Source code for PartSeg.common_backend.except_hook

import sys

import sentry_sdk
from qtpy.QtCore import QCoreApplication, QThread
from qtpy.QtWidgets import QMessageBox
from superqt import ensure_main_thread

from PartSeg import state_store
from PartSegCore.segmentation.algorithm_base import SegmentationLimitException
from PartSegImage import TiffFileException

[docs]def my_excepthook(type_, value, trace_back): """ Custom excepthook. Close application on :py:class:`KeyboardInterrupt`. If :py:data:`PartSeg.state_store.always_report` is set then just sent report using sentry. otherwise show dialog with information about error and ask user if he wants to send report using :py:func:`show_error`. """ # log the exception here if state_store.show_error_dialog and not isinstance(value, KeyboardInterrupt): if state_store.auto_report or state_store.always_report: with sentry_sdk.push_scope() as scope: scope.set_tag("auto_report", "true") scope.set_tag("main_thread", QCoreApplication.instance().thread() == QThread.currentThread()) sentry_sdk.capture_exception(value) if state_store.always_report: return try: show_error(value) except ImportError: sys.__excepthook__(type_, value, trace_back) elif isinstance(value, KeyboardInterrupt): print("KeyboardInterrupt close", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) else: # then call the default handler sys.__excepthook__(type_, value, trace_back)
[docs]@ensure_main_thread def show_error(error=None): """ For :py:class:`SegmentationLimitException` and :py:class:`TiffFileException` show dialog with information about problem. For other exceptions show :py:class:`ErrorDialog` dialog with information about error that allow to report it. :param error: exception to show """ if error is None: return from PartSeg.common_gui.error_report import ErrorDialog, QMessageFromException if isinstance(error, TiffFileException): QMessageFromException.critical( None, "Tiff file error", f"During read file there is an error: {', '.join(str(x) for x in error.args)}", exception=error, ) return if isinstance(error, SegmentationLimitException): QMessageFromException.critical( None, "Segmentation limitations", f"During segmentation process algorithm meet limitations: {', '.join(str(x) for x in error.args)}", exception=error, ) return dial = ErrorDialog(error, "Exception during program run") dial.exec_()
[docs]@ensure_main_thread def show_warning(header=None, text=None, exception=None): """ Show warning :py:class:`PyQt5.QtWidgets.QMessageBox` This function is to ensure creation warning dialog in main thread. """ if exception is not None: from PartSeg.common_gui.error_report import QMessageFromException message = QMessageFromException(QMessageBox.Icon.Warning, header, text, exception=exception) else: message = QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Icon.Warning, header, text, QMessageBox.StandardButton.Ok) message.exec_()