Source code for PartSeg.common_backend.base_settings

import json
import logging
import os
import os.path
import re
import sys
import warnings
from argparse import Namespace
from contextlib import suppress
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, ClassVar, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union

import napari.utils.theme
import numpy as np
from napari.qt import get_stylesheet
from napari.utils import Colormap
from napari.utils.theme import get_theme
from napari.utils.theme import template as napari_template
from qtpy.QtCore import QObject, Signal
from qtpy.QtWidgets import QMessageBox, QWidget

from PartSeg.common_backend import napari_get_settings
from PartSeg.common_backend.partially_const_dict import PartiallyConstDict
from PartSegCore import register
from PartSegCore.color_image import default_colormap_dict, default_label_dict
from PartSegCore.color_image.base_colors import starting_colors
from PartSegCore.io_utils import find_problematic_entries, load_metadata_base
from PartSegCore.json_hooks import PartSegEncoder
from PartSegCore.project_info import AdditionalLayerDescription, HistoryElement, ProjectInfoBase
from PartSegCore.roi_info import ROIInfo
from PartSegCore.segmentation.algorithm_base import ROIExtractionResult
from PartSegCore.utils import ProfileDict
from PartSegImage import Image

if TYPE_CHECKING:  # pragma: no cover
    from napari.settings import NapariSettings
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DIR_HISTORY = "io.dir_location_history"
FILE_HISTORY = "io.files_open_history"
MULTIPLE_FILES_OPEN_HISTORY = "io.multiple_files_open_history"
ROI_NOT_FIT = "roi do not fit to image"
IO_SAVE_DIRECTORY = "io.save_directory"

[docs]class ImageSettings(QObject): """ Base class for all PartSeg settings. Keeps information about current Image. """ image_changed = Signal(Image) image_path_changed = Signal(str) image_channel_count_changed = Signal(int) image_spacing_changed = Signal() roi_changed = Signal(ROIInfo) """ :py:class:`.Signal` emitted when roi has changed """ roi_clean = Signal() additional_layers_changed = Signal() def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._image: Optional[Image] = None self._image_path = "" self._roi_info = ROIInfo(None) self._additional_layers = {} self._parent: Optional[QWidget] = None
[docs] def set_parent(self, parent: QWidget): self._parent = parent
@property def full_segmentation(self): # pragma: no cover raise AttributeError("full_segmentation not supported") @full_segmentation.setter def full_segmentation(self, val): # pragma: no cover # pylint: disable=no-self-use raise AttributeError("full_segmentation not supported") @property def noise_remove_image_part(self): # pragma: no cover raise AttributeError("noise_remove_image_part not supported") @noise_remove_image_part.setter def noise_remove_image_part(self, val): # pragma: no cover # pylint: disable=no-self-use raise AttributeError("noise_remove_image_part not supported") @property def additional_layers(self) -> Dict[str, AdditionalLayerDescription]: return self._additional_layers @additional_layers.setter def additional_layers(self, val): # pragma: no cover # pylint: disable=no-self-use raise AttributeError("additional_layers assign not supported") @property def image_spacing(self): """:py:meth:`Image.spacing` proxy""" return self._image.spacing if self._image is not None else ()
[docs] def is_image_2d(self): """:py:meth:`Image.is_2d` proxy""" return self._image is None or self._image.is_2d
@image_spacing.setter def image_spacing(self, value): if len(value) not in [2, 3]: raise ValueError(f"value parameter should have length 2 or 3. Current length is {len(value)}.") if len(value) == 2: self._image.set_spacing((self._image.spacing[0], *list(value))) else: self._image.set_spacing(value) self.image_spacing_changed.emit() @property def segmentation(self) -> np.ndarray: # pragma: no cover """current roi""" warnings.warn("segmentation parameter is renamed to roi", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.roi @property def roi(self) -> np.ndarray: """current roi""" return self._roi_info.roi @property def segmentation_info(self) -> ROIInfo: # pragma: no cover warnings.warn("segmentation info parameter is renamed to roi", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.roi_info @property def roi_info(self) -> ROIInfo: return self._roi_info @roi.setter def roi(self, val: Union[np.ndarray, ROIInfo]): if val is None: self._roi_info = ROIInfo(val) self._additional_layers = {} self.roi_clean.emit() return try: if isinstance(val, np.ndarray): self._roi_info = ROIInfo(self.image.fit_array_to_image(val)) else: self._roi_info = val.fit_to_image(self.image) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError(ROI_NOT_FIT) from e self._additional_layers = {} self.roi_changed.emit(self._roi_info) @property def sizes(self): return self._roi_info.sizes @property def image(self): return self._image @image.setter def image(self, value: Image): if value is None: return self._image = value if value.file_path is not None: self.image_path_changed.emit(value.file_path) self._image_changed() self._roi_info = ROIInfo(None) self.image_changed.emit(self._image) self.image_channel_count_changed.emit(self._image.channels) @property def has_channels(self): return self.channels > 1 def _image_changed(self): """Reimplement hook for change of main image""" @property def image_path(self): return self._image.file_path if self.image is not None else "" @property def image_shape(self): # TODO analyse and decide if channels should be part of shape return self._image.shape if self.image is not None else () @image_path.setter def image_path(self, value): self._image.file_path = value self.image_path_changed.emit(self._image_path) @property def channels(self): return 0 if self._image is None else self._image.channels
[docs] def components_mask(self): return np.array([0] + [1] * np.max(self.roi), dtype=np.uint8)
[docs]class ColormapDict(PartiallyConstDict[Colormap]): """ Dict for mixing custom colormap with predefined ones """ if os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) in ["sphinx-build", "sphinx-build.exe"]: # pragma: no cover const_item_dict = {} else: const_item_dict = default_colormap_dict """ Non removable items for this dict. Current value is :py:data:`default_colormap_dict` """ @property def colormap_removed(self): """ Signal that colormap is removed form dict """ return self.item_removed @property def colormap_added(self): """ Signal that colormap is added to dict """ return self.item_added
[docs]class LabelColorDict(PartiallyConstDict[list]): """ Dict for mixing custom label colors with predefined ones` """ const_item_dict = default_label_dict """Non removable items for this dict. Current value is :py:data:`default_label_dict`"""
[docs] def get_array(self, key: str) -> np.ndarray: """Get labels as numpy array""" return np.array(self[key][0], dtype=np.uint8)
[docs]class ViewSettings(ImageSettings): colormap_changes = Signal() labels_changed = Signal() theme_changed = Signal() profile_data_changed = Signal(str, object) """Signal about changes in stored data (set with set_in_profile)""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.color_map = [] self.border_val = [] self.current_profile_dict = "default" self.view_settings_dict = ProfileDict() self.colormap_dict = ColormapDict(self.get_from_profile("custom_colormap", {})) self.label_color_dict = LabelColorDict(self.get_from_profile("custom_label_colors", {})) self.cached_labels: Optional[Tuple[str, np.ndarray]] = None @property def theme_name(self) -> str: """Name of current theme.""" return self.get_from_profile("theme", "dark") @property def theme(self): """Theme as structure.""" try: return get_theme(self.theme_name, as_dict=False) except TypeError: # pragma: no cover theme = get_theme(self.theme_name) return Namespace( **{k: Color(v) if isinstance(v, str) and v.startswith("rgb") else v for k, v in theme.items()} ) @property def style_sheet(self): return self.get_style_sheet()
[docs] def get_style_sheet(self): """QSS style sheet for current theme.""" with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", FutureWarning) theme = get_theme(self.theme_name, as_dict=True) # TODO understand qss overwrite mechanism return napari_template("\n".join(register.qss_list) + get_stylesheet() + "\n".join(register.qss_list), **theme)
@theme_name.setter def theme_name(self, value: str): """Name of current theme.""" if value not in napari.utils.theme.available_themes(): raise ValueError(f"Unsupported theme {value}. Supported one: {self.theme_list()}") if value == self.theme_name: return self.set_in_profile("theme", value) self.theme_changed.emit()
[docs] @staticmethod def theme_list(): """Sequence of available themes""" try: return napari.utils.theme.available_themes() except: # noqa: E722 # pylint: disable=bare-except # pragma: no cover return ("light",)
@property def chosen_colormap(self): """Sequence of selected colormap to be available in dropdown""" data = self.get_from_profile("colormaps", starting_colors[:]) res = [x for x in data if x in self.colormap_dict] if len(res) != data: if not res: res = starting_colors[:] self.set_in_profile("colormaps", res) return res @chosen_colormap.setter def chosen_colormap(self, val): self.set_in_profile("colormaps", val) self.colormap_changes.emit() @property def current_labels(self): """Current labels scheme for marking ROI""" return self.get_from_profile("labels_used", "default") @current_labels.setter def current_labels(self, val): if val not in self.label_color_dict: raise ValueError(f"Unknown label scheme name '{val}'") self.set_in_profile("labels_used", val) self.labels_changed.emit() @property def label_colors(self): key = self.current_labels if key not in self.label_color_dict: key = "default" self.current_labels = key if not (self.cached_labels and key == self.cached_labels[0]): self.cached_labels = key, self.label_color_dict.get_array(key) return self.cached_labels[1]
[docs] def chosen_colormap_change(self, name, visibility): colormaps = set(self.chosen_colormap) if visibility: colormaps.add(name) else: with suppress(KeyError): colormaps.remove(name) # TODO update sorting rule self.chosen_colormap = sorted(colormaps, key=self.colormap_dict.get_position)
[docs] def get_channel_info(self, view: str, num: int, default: Optional[str] = None) -> str: # pragma: no cover warnings.warn( "get_channel_info is deprecated, use get_channel_colormap_name instead", category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self.get_channel_colormap_name(view, num, default)
[docs] def get_channel_colormap_name(self, view: str, num: int, default: Optional[str] = None) -> str: cm = self.chosen_colormap if default is None: default = cm[num % len(cm)] resp = self.get_from_profile(f"{view}.cmap.num{num}", default) if resp not in self.colormap_dict: resp = cm[num % len(cm)] self.set_in_profile(f"{view}.cmap.num{num}", resp) return resp
[docs] def set_channel_info(self, view: str, num, value: str): # pragma: no cover warnings.warn( "set_channel_info is deprecated, use set_channel_colormap_name instead", category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) self.set_channel_colormap_name(view, num, value)
[docs] def set_channel_colormap_name(self, view: str, num, value: str): self.set_in_profile(f"{view}.cmap.num{num}", value)
[docs] def connect_channel_colormap_name(self, view: str, fun: Callable): self.connect_to_profile(f"{view}.cmap", fun)
@property def available_colormaps(self): return list(self.colormap_dict.keys()) def _image_changed(self): self.border_val = self.image.get_ranges() super()._image_changed()
[docs] def change_profile(self, name): self.current_profile_dict = name self.view_settings_dict.profile_change()
[docs] def set_in_profile(self, key_path, value): """ Function for saving information used in visualization. This is accessor to :py:meth:`~.ProfileDict.set` of inner variable. :param key_path: dot separated path :param value: value to store. The value need to be json serializable.""" self.view_settings_dict.set(f"{self.current_profile_dict}.{key_path}", value) self.profile_data_changed.emit(key_path, value)
[docs] def get_from_profile(self, key_path, default=None): """ Function for getting information used in visualization. This is accessor to :py:meth:`~.ProfileDict.get` of inner variable. :param key_path: dot separated path :param default: default value if key is missed """ return self.view_settings_dict.get(f"{self.current_profile_dict}.{key_path}", default)
[docs] def connect_to_profile(self, key_path, callback): # TODO fixme fix when introduce switch profiles self.view_settings_dict.connect(key_path, callback)
[docs]class SaveSettingsDescription(NamedTuple): file_name: str values: Union[dict, ProfileDict]
[docs]class BaseSettings(ViewSettings): """ :ivar json_folder_path: default location for saving/loading settings data :ivar last_executed_algorithm: name of last executed algorithm. :cvar save_locations_keys: list of names of distinct save location. location are stored in "io" """ mask_changed = Signal() points_changed = Signal() request_load_files = Signal(list) """:py:class:`~.Signal` mask changed signal""" json_encoder_class = PartSegEncoder load_metadata = staticmethod(load_metadata_base) algorithm_changed = Signal() """:py:class:`~.Signal` emitted when current algorithm should be changed""" save_locations_keys: ClassVar[List[str]] = [] def __init__(self, json_path: Union[Path, str], profile_name: str = "default"): """ :param json_path: path to store :param profile_name: name of profile to be used. default value is "default" """ super().__init__() napari_path = os.path.dirname(json_path) if os.path.basename(json_path) in ["analysis", "mask"] else json_path self.napari_settings: NapariSettings = napari_get_settings(napari_path) self._current_roi_dict = profile_name self._roi_dict = ProfileDict() self._last_algorithm_dict = ProfileDict() self.json_folder_path = json_path self.last_executed_algorithm = "" self.history: List[HistoryElement] = [] self.history_index = -1 self.last_executed_algorithm = "" self._points = None def _image_changed(self): super()._image_changed() self.points = None @property def points(self): return self._points @points.setter def points(self, value): self._points = value if value is not None else None self.points_changed.emit() @property def theme_name(self) -> str: try: theme = self.napari_settings.appearance.theme if self.get_from_profile("first_start", True): theme = "light" self.napari_settings.appearance.theme = theme self.set_in_profile("first_start", False) return theme except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover return "light" @theme_name.setter def theme_name(self, value: str): self.napari_settings.appearance.theme = value
[docs] def set_segmentation_result(self, result: ROIExtractionResult): if ( result.file_path is not None and result.file_path and result.file_path != self.image.file_path ): # pragma: no cover if self._parent is not None: # TODO change to non disrupting popup QMessageBox().warning( self._parent, "Result file bug", "It looks like one try to set ROI form another file." ) return if result.info_text and self._parent is not None: QMessageBox().information(self._parent, "Algorithm info", result.info_text) self._additional_layers = result.additional_layers self.last_executed_algorithm = result.parameters.algorithm self.set_algorithm(f"algorithms.{result.parameters.algorithm}", result.parameters.values) # Fixme not use EventedDict here try: roi_info = result.roi_info.fit_to_image(self.image) except ValueError as e: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError(ROI_NOT_FIT) from e if result.points is not None: self.points = result.points self._roi_info = roi_info self.roi_changed.emit(self._roi_info)
def _load_files_call(self, files_list: List[str]): self.request_load_files.emit(files_list)
[docs] def add_history_element(self, elem: HistoryElement) -> None: self.history_index += 1 if self.history_index < len(self.history) and self.cmp_history_element(elem, self.history[self.history_index]): self.history[self.history_index] = elem else: self.history = self.history[: self.history_index] self.history.append(elem)
[docs] def history_size(self) -> int: return self.history_index + 1
[docs] def history_redo_size(self) -> int: if self.history_index + 1 == len(self.history): return 0 return len(self.history[self.history_index + 1 :])
[docs] def history_redo_clean(self) -> None: self.history = self.history[: self.history_size()]
[docs] def history_current_element(self) -> HistoryElement: return self.history[self.history_index]
[docs] def history_next_element(self) -> HistoryElement: return self.history[self.history_index + 1]
[docs] def history_pop(self) -> Optional[HistoryElement]: if self.history_index != -1: self.history_index -= 1 return self.history[self.history_index + 1] return None
[docs] def set_history(self, history: List[HistoryElement]): self.history = history self.history_index = len(self.history) - 1
[docs] def get_history(self) -> List[HistoryElement]: return self.history[: self.history_index + 1]
[docs] @staticmethod def cmp_history_element(el1, el2): return False
@property def mask(self): return self._image.mask @mask.setter def mask(self, value): try: self._image.set_mask(value) self.mask_changed.emit() except ValueError as e: raise ValueError("mask do not fit to image") from e
[docs] def get_save_list(self) -> List[SaveSettingsDescription]: """List of files in which program save the state.""" return [ SaveSettingsDescription("segmentation_settings.json", self._roi_dict), SaveSettingsDescription("view_settings.json", self.view_settings_dict), SaveSettingsDescription("algorithm_settings.json", self._last_algorithm_dict), ]
[docs] def get_path_history(self) -> List[str]: """ return list containing last 10 elements added with :py:meth:`.add_path_history` and last opened in each category form :py:attr:`save_location_keys` """ res = self.get(DIR_HISTORY, [])[:] for name in self.save_locations_keys: val = self.get(f"io.{name}", str(Path.home())) if val not in res: res = [*res, val] return res
@staticmethod def _add_elem_to_list(data_list: list, value: Any, keep_len=10) -> list: try: data_list.remove(value) except ValueError: data_list = data_list[: keep_len - 1] return [value, *data_list]
[docs] def get_last_files(self) -> List[Tuple[Tuple[Union[str, Path], ...], str]]: return self.get(FILE_HISTORY, [])
[docs] def add_load_files_history(self, file_path: Sequence[Union[str, Path]], load_method: str): # pragma: no cover warnings.warn("`add_load_files_history` is deprecated", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.add_last_files(file_path, load_method)
[docs] def add_last_files(self, file_path: Sequence[Union[str, Path]], load_method: str): self.set(FILE_HISTORY, self._add_elem_to_list(self.get(FILE_HISTORY, []), [list(file_path), load_method])) # keep list of files as list because json serialize tuple to list self.add_path_history(os.path.dirname(file_path[0]))
[docs] def get_last_files_multiple(self) -> List[Tuple[Tuple[Union[str, Path], ...], str]]: return self.get(MULTIPLE_FILES_OPEN_HISTORY, [])
[docs] def add_last_files_multiple(self, file_paths: List[Union[str, Path]], load_method: str): self.set( MULTIPLE_FILES_OPEN_HISTORY, self._add_elem_to_list( self.get(MULTIPLE_FILES_OPEN_HISTORY, []), [list(file_paths), load_method], keep_len=30 ), ) # keep list of files as list because json serialize tuple to list self.add_path_history(os.path.dirname(file_paths[0]))
[docs] def add_path_history(self, dir_path: Union[str, Path]): """Save path in history of visited directories. Store only 10 last""" dir_path = str(dir_path) self.set(DIR_HISTORY, self._add_elem_to_list(self.get(DIR_HISTORY, []), dir_path))
[docs] def set(self, key_path: str, value): """ function for saving general state (not visualization). This is accessor to :py:meth:`~.ProfileDict.set` of inner variable. :param key_path: dot separated path :param value: value to store. The value need to be json serializable. """ if key_path.startswith(("algorithm_widget_state.", "algorithms.")) or key_path == "current_algorithm": warnings.warn("Use `set_algorithm_state` instead of `set` for algorithm state", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2) self.set_algorithm(key_path, value) return self._roi_dict.set(f"{self._current_roi_dict}.{key_path}", value)
[docs] def get(self, key_path: str, default=None): """ Function for getting general state (not visualization). This is accessor to :py:meth:`~.ProfileDict.get` of inner variable. :param key_path: dot separated path :param default: default value if key is missed """ if key_path.startswith(("algorithms.", "algorithm_widget_state.")) or key_path == "current_algorithm": warnings.warn("Use `set_algorithm_state` instead of `set` for algorithm state", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2) return self.get_algorithm(key_path, default) return self._roi_dict.get(f"{self._current_roi_dict}.{key_path}", default)
[docs] def set_algorithm(self, key_path: str, value): """ function for saving last algorithm used information. This is accessor to :py:meth:`~.ProfileDict.set` of inner variable. :param key_path: dot separated path :param value: value to store. The value need to be json serializable. """ # if key_path.startswith("") self._last_algorithm_dict.set(f"{self._current_roi_dict}.{key_path}", value)
[docs] def get_algorithm(self, key_path: str, default=None): """ Function for getting last algorithm used information. This is accessor to :py:meth:`~.ProfileDict.get` of inner variable. :param key_path: dot separated path :param default: default value if key is missed """ return self._last_algorithm_dict.get(f"{self._current_roi_dict}.{key_path}", default)
[docs] def connect_(self, key_path, callback): # TODO fixme fix when introduce switch profiles self._roi_dict.connect(key_path, callback)
[docs] def dump_part(self, file_path, path_in_dict, names=None): data = self.get(path_in_dict) if names is not None: data = {name: data[name] for name in names} os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file_path), exist_ok=True) with open(file_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as ff: json.dump(data, ff, cls=self.json_encoder_class, indent=2)
[docs] def dump(self, folder_path: Union[Path, str, None] = None): """ Save current application settings to disc. :param folder_path: path to directory in which data should be saved. If is None then use :py:attr:`.json_folder_path` """ if is not None: else: self.napari_settings._save() # pylint: disable=protected-access if folder_path is None: folder_path = self.json_folder_path if not os.path.exists(folder_path): os.makedirs(folder_path) errors_list = [] for el in self.get_save_list(): try: dump_string = json.dumps(el.values, cls=self.json_encoder_class, indent=2) with open(os.path.join(folder_path, el.file_name), "w", encoding="utf-8") as ff: ff.write(dump_string) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except errors_list.append((e, os.path.join(folder_path, el.file_name))) if errors_list: logger.error(errors_list) return errors_list
def _load_settings_file(self, file_path: Union[Path, str]) -> Tuple[ProfileDict, Any]: error = None data: ProfileDict = self.load_metadata(file_path) if isinstance(data, dict) and "__error__" in data: error = data["__error__"] data = ProfileDict() elif not data.verify_data(): filtered = data.pop_errors() error = filtered filtered_base_str = ((k, "\n".join(f"{x}" for x in find_problematic_entries(v))) for k, v in filtered) filtered_str = "\n".join(f"{k}\n{v}\n" for k, v in filtered_base_str) logger.error("error in load data from %s problematic keys are %s", file_path, filtered_str) return data, error
[docs] def load(self, folder_path: Union[Path, str, None] = None): """ Load settings state from given directory :param folder_path: path to directory in which data should be saved. If is None then use :py:attr:`.json_folder_path` """ if folder_path is None: folder_path = self.json_folder_path errors_dict = {} for el in self.get_save_list(): file_path = os.path.join(folder_path, el.file_name) if not os.path.exists(file_path): continue error = None try: data, error = self._load_settings_file(file_path) if error is not None: errors_dict[file_path] = error el.values.update(data) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except error = True logger.error(e) errors_dict[file_path] = e finally: if error is not None: timestamp ="%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S") base_path, ext = os.path.splitext(file_path) os.rename(file_path, f"{base_path}_{timestamp}{ext}") self.label_color_dict._refresh_order() # pylint: disable=protected-access self.colormap_dict._refresh_order() # pylint: disable=protected-access return errors_dict
[docs] def get_project_info(self) -> ProjectInfoBase: """Get all information needed to save project""" raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
[docs] def set_project_info(self, data: ProjectInfoBase): """Set project info""" raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
[docs] @staticmethod def verify_image(image: Image, silent=True) -> Union[Image, bool]: if image.is_time: if image.is_stack: raise TimeAndStackException if silent: return image.swap_time_and_stack() raise SwapTimeStackException return True
[docs]class SwapTimeStackException(Exception): """ Exception which inform that current image shape is not supported, but can be if time and stack axes were swapped """
[docs]class TimeAndStackException(Exception): """ Exception which inform that current image has both time and stack dat which is not supported """
[docs]class Color: # pragma: no cover def __init__(self, text): color_re = re.compile(r"rgb\((\d+), (\d+), (\d+)\)") self.colors = tuple(map(int, color_re.match(text).groups()))
[docs] def as_rgb_tuple(self): return self.colors