Source code for PartSegCore.segmentation.algorithm_base

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from copy import deepcopy
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from textwrap import indent
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, MutableMapping, Optional

import numpy as np
from local_migrator import REGISTER, class_to_str

from PartSegCore.algorithm_describe_base import (
from PartSegCore.image_operations import RadiusType
from PartSegCore.project_info import AdditionalLayerDescription
from PartSegCore.roi_info import ROIInfo
from PartSegCore.utils import BaseModel, numpy_repr
from PartSegImage import Channel, Image

def calculate_operation_radius(radius, spacing, gauss_type):
    if gauss_type == RadiusType.R2D and len(spacing) == 3:
        spacing = spacing[1:]
    base = min(spacing)
    if base != max(spacing):
        ratio = [x / base for x in spacing]
        return [radius / r for r in ratio]
    return radius

def dict_repr(dkt: MutableMapping) -> str:
    calculate dict representation which use :py:func:`numpy_repr` for numpy representation.

    :param dict dkt: dict to be represented
    :return: string representation
    res = []
    for k, v in dkt.items():
        if isinstance(v, MutableMapping):
            res.append(f"{k}: {dict_repr(v)}")
        elif isinstance(v, np.ndarray):
            res.append(f"{k}: {numpy_repr(v)}")
            res.append(f"{k}: {v!r}")
    return "{" + ", ".join(res) + "}"

[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True, repr=False) class ROIExtractionResult: """ Class to store results of roi extraction process. :ivar np.ndarray roi: Region of Interest represented as numpy array. :ivar ROIExtractionProfile parameters: parameters of roi extraction process. :ivar Dict[str,AdditionalLayerDescription] ~.additional_layers: additional layers returned by algorithm. Could be previewer using napari viewer. :ivar dict roi_annotation: Annotation for ROI. Currently displayed as tooltip :ivar Dict[str,np.ndarray] alternative_representation: Arrays with alternative representations of ROI. :ivar Optional[str] ~.file_path: information on which file roi extraction was performed. :ivar ROIInfo ~.roi_info: ROIInfo for current roi. :ivar Optional[np.ndarray] ~.points: array of points. """ # TODO add alternative representation using dict mapping. roi: np.ndarray parameters: ROIExtractionProfile additional_layers: Dict[str, AdditionalLayerDescription] = field(default_factory=dict) info_text: str = "" roi_annotation: Dict = field(default_factory=dict) alternative_representation: Dict[str, np.ndarray] = field(default_factory=dict) file_path: Optional[str] = None roi_info: Optional[ROIInfo] = None points: Optional[np.ndarray] = None def __post_init__(self): if "ROI" in self.alternative_representation: raise ValueError("alternative_representation field cannot contain field with ROI key") for key, value in self.additional_layers.items(): if not = key if self.roi_info is None: object.__setattr__( self, "roi_info", ROIInfo(roi=self.roi, annotations=self.roi_annotation, alternative=self.alternative_representation), ) def __str__(self): # pragma: no cover return ( f"ROIExtractionResult(roi=[shape: {self.roi.shape}, dtype: {self.roi.dtype}," f" max: {np.max(self.roi)}], parameters={self.parameters}," f" additional_layers={list(self.additional_layers.keys())}, info_text={self.info_text}," f" alternative={dict_repr(self.alternative_representation)}," f" roi_annotation={dict_repr(self.roi_annotation)}" ) def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover return ( f"ROIExtractionResult(roi=[shape: {self.roi.shape}, dtype: {self.roi.dtype}, " f"max: {np.max(self.roi)}], parameters={self.parameters}, " f"additional_layers={list(self.additional_layers.keys())}, info_text={self.info_text}," f" alternative={dict_repr(self.alternative_representation)}," f" roi_annotation={dict_repr(self.roi_annotation)}" )
SegmentationResult = ROIExtractionResult def report_empty_fun(_x, _y): # pragma: no cover # skipcq: PTC-W0049 pass class AlgorithmInfo(BaseModel, arbitrary_types_allowed=True): algorithm_name: str parameters: Any image: Image
[docs]class ROIExtractionAlgorithm(AlgorithmDescribeBase, ABC): """ Base class for all segmentation algorithm. :ivar Image ~.image: Image to process :ivar numpy.ndarray selected channel :ivar numpy.ndarray ~.segmentation: final segmentation :ivar numpy.ndarray ~.mask: mask limiting segmentation area """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.image: Optional[Image] = None = None self.segmentation = None self._mask: Optional[np.ndarray] = None self.new_parameters: Dict[str, Any] = {} def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover if self.mask is None: mask_info = "mask=None" elif isinstance(self.mask, np.ndarray): mask_info = ( f"mask_dtype={self.mask.dtype}, mask_shape={self.mask.shape}, mask_unique={np.unique(self.mask)}" ) else: mask_info = f"mask={self.mask}" return ( f"{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__name__}(\n" + indent(f"image={self.image!r},\n", " " * 4) + indent(f"channel={numpy_repr(},\n{mask_info},", " " * 4) + indent(f"\nvalue={self.get_segmentation_profile().values!r})", " " * 4) ) def clean(self): self.image = None self.segmentation = None = None self.mask = None @property def mask(self) -> Optional[np.ndarray]: if self._mask is not None and not self.support_time(): return self.image.clip_array(self._mask, t=0) return self._mask @mask.setter def mask(self, val: Optional[np.ndarray]): if val is None: self._mask = None return self._mask = self.image.fit_mask_to_image(val) @classmethod @abstractmethod def support_time(cls): raise NotImplementedError @classmethod @abstractmethod def support_z(cls): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def set_mask(self, mask): """Set mask which will limit segmentation area""" self.mask = mask
def calculation_run_wrap(self, report_fun: Callable[[str, int], None]) -> ROIExtractionResult: try: return self.calculation_run(report_fun) except SegmentationLimitException: # pragma: no cover raise except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover parameters = self.get_segmentation_profile() image = self.image raise SegmentationException( AlgorithmInfo(algorithm_name=self.get_name(), parameters=parameters, image=image) ) from e @abstractmethod def calculation_run(self, report_fun: Callable[[str, int], None]) -> ROIExtractionResult: raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def get_info_text(self): raise NotImplementedError def get_channel(self, channel_idx): if self.support_time(): return self.image.get_data_by_axis(c=channel_idx) if self.image.is_time: raise ValueError("This algorithm do not support time data") if isinstance(channel_idx, int) and self.image.channels <= channel_idx: raise SegmentationException( f"Image {self.image} has only {self.image.channels} when requested channel {channel_idx}" ) if isinstance(channel_idx, str) and channel_idx not in self.image.channel_names: raise SegmentationException( f"Image {self.image} has only {self.image.channel_names} when requested channel '{channel_idx}'" ) return self.image.get_data_by_axis(c=channel_idx, t=0) def set_image(self, image): self.image = image = None self.mask = None def set_parameters(self, _params=None, **kwargs): # FIXME when drop python 3.7 use postional only argument if _params is not None: if isinstance(_params, dict): kwargs = _params else: self.new_parameters = _params return if self.__new_style__: kwargs = REGISTER.migrate_data(class_to_str(self.__argument_class__), {}, kwargs) self.new_parameters = self.__argument_class__(**kwargs) # pylint: disable=not-callable return base_names = [ for x in self.get_fields() if isinstance(x, AlgorithmProperty)] if set(base_names) != set(kwargs.keys()): missed_arguments = ", ".join(set(base_names).difference(set(kwargs.keys()))) additional_arguments = ", ".join(set(kwargs.keys()).difference(set(base_names))) raise ValueError(f"Missed arguments {missed_arguments}; Additional arguments: {additional_arguments}") self.new_parameters = deepcopy(kwargs) def get_segmentation_profile(self) -> ROIExtractionProfile: return ROIExtractionProfile(name="", algorithm=self.get_name(), values=deepcopy(self.new_parameters))
[docs] @staticmethod def get_steps_num(): """Return number of algorithm steps if your algorithm report progress, else should return 0""" return 0
@classmethod def get_channel_parameter_name(cls): if cls.__new_style__: fields = base_model_to_algorithm_property(cls.__argument_class__) else: fields = cls.get_fields() for el in fields: if el.value_type == Channel: return raise ValueError("No channel defined")
class SegmentationLimitException(Exception): pass class SegmentationException(Exception): pass SegmentationAlgorithm = ROIExtractionAlgorithm # rename backward compatibility