Source code for PartSegCore.roi_info

from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Any, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional

import numpy as np

from PartSegCore.utils import numpy_repr
from PartSegCore_compiled_backend.utils import calc_bounds
from PartSegImage.image import Image, minimal_dtype

[docs]class BoundInfo(NamedTuple): """ Information about bounding box """ lower: np.ndarray upper: np.ndarray
[docs] def box_size(self) -> np.ndarray: """Size of bounding box""" return self.upper - self.lower + 1
def get_slices(self, margin=0) -> List[slice]: return [slice(max(x - margin, 0), y + 1 + margin) for x, y in zip(self.lower, self.upper)] def del_dim(self, axis: int): return BoundInfo(np.delete(self.lower, axis), np.delete(self.upper, axis)) def __str__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(lower={list(self.lower)}, upper={list(self.upper)})"
[docs]class ROIInfo: """ Object to storage meta information about given segmentation. Segmentation array is only referenced, not copied. :ivar numpy.ndarray ~.roi: reference to segmentation :ivar Dict[int,BoundInfo] bound_info: mapping from component number to bounding box :ivar numpy.ndarray sizes: array with sizes of components :ivar Dict[int, Any] annotations: annotations of roi :ivar Dict[str, np.ndarray] alternative: alternative representation of roi """ def __init__( self, roi: Optional[np.ndarray], annotations: Optional[Dict[int, Any]] = None, alternative: Optional[Dict[str, np.ndarray]] = None, ): annotations = {} if annotations is None else annotations self.annotations = {int(k): v for k, v in annotations.items()} self.alternative = {} if alternative is None else alternative if roi is None: self.roi = None self.bound_info = {} self.sizes = [] return max_val = np.max(roi) dtype = minimal_dtype(max_val) roi = roi.astype(dtype) self.roi = roi self.bound_info = self.calc_bounds(roi) self.sizes = np.bincount(roi.flat) def fit_to_image(self, image: Image) -> "ROIInfo": if self.roi is None: return ROIInfo(self.roi, self.annotations, self.alternative) roi = image.fit_array_to_image(self.roi) alternatives = {k: image.fit_array_to_image(v) for k, v in self.alternative.items()} return ROIInfo(roi, self.annotations, alternatives) def __str__(self): return f"ROIInfo; components: {len(self.bound_info)}, sizes: {self.sizes}" def __repr__(self): return f"ROIInfo(roi={numpy_repr(self.roi)}, bound_info={self.bound_info}, sizes={self.sizes!r})"
[docs] @staticmethod def calc_bounds(roi: np.ndarray) -> Dict[int, BoundInfo]: """ Calculate bounding boxes components :param np.ndarray roi: array for which bounds boxes should be calculated :return: mapping component number to bounding box :rtype: Dict[int, BoundInfo] """ try: min_bounds, max_bounds = calc_bounds(roi) return { num: BoundInfo(lower=lower, upper=upper) for num, (lower, upper) in enumerate(zip(min_bounds, max_bounds)) if num != 0 and upper[0] != -1 } except KeyError: bound_info = {} points = np.nonzero(roi) comp_num = roi[points] point_dict = defaultdict(list) for num, point in zip(comp_num, np.transpose(points)): point_dict[num].append(point) for num, points_for_num in point_dict.items(): lower = np.min(points_for_num, 0) upper = np.max(points_for_num, 0) bound_info[num] = BoundInfo(lower=lower, upper=upper) return bound_info