Source code for PartSegCore.mask_create

import typing

import numpy as np
import SimpleITK as sitk
from local_migrator import register_class

from PartSegCore.image_operations import RadiusType, dilate, erode
from PartSegCore.utils import BaseModel
from PartSegImage.image import minimal_dtype

[docs]@register_class(old_paths=["PartSeg.utils.mask_create.MaskProperty"]) class MaskProperty(BaseModel): """ Description of creation mask from segmentation :ivar RadiusType ~.dilate: Select dilation mode. :ivar int ~.dilate_radius: Radius of dilation calculate with respect of image spacing. :ivar RadiusType ~.fill_holes: Select if fill holes and if it should be done in 2d or 3d. :ivar int ~.max_holes_size: Maximum holes size if positive. Otherwise fill all holes. :ivar bool ~.save_components: If mask should save components of segmentation or set to 1. :ivar bool ~.clip_to_mask: If resulted should be clipped to previous mask (if exist). Useful for positive dilate radius :ivar bool ~.reversed_mask: If mask should be reversed (region which are not part of segmentation) """ __readonly__ = False dilate: RadiusType dilate_radius: int fill_holes: RadiusType max_holes_size: int save_components: bool clip_to_mask: bool reversed_mask: bool = False def __str__(self): return ( f"Mask property\ndilate: {self.dilate}\n" + (f"dilate radius {self.dilate_radius}\n" if self.dilate != RadiusType.NO else "") + f"fill holes: {self.fill_holes}\n" + (f"max holes size: {self.max_holes_size}\n" if self.fill_holes != RadiusType.NO else "") + f"save components: {self.save_components}\nclip to mask: {self.clip_to_mask}\n" + f"reversed mask {self.reversed_mask}" ) def __repr__(self): return ( f"Mask MaskProperty(dilate={self.dilate}, dilate radius={self.dilate_radius}, " f"fill holes={self.fill_holes}, max holes size={self.max_holes_size}, " f"save components={self.save_components}, clip to mask={self.clip_to_mask}, " f"reversed mask={self.reversed_mask})" ) def __eq__(self, other): return ( isinstance(other, MaskProperty) and self.dilate == other.dilate and self.dilate_radius == other.dilate_radius and self.fill_holes == other.fill_holes and self.max_holes_size == other.max_holes_size and self.clip_to_mask == other.clip_mask and self.reversed_mask == other.reverse_mask )
[docs] @classmethod def simple_mask(cls) -> "MaskProperty": """ Create MaskProperty which describe simple conversion segmentation to mask :rtype: MaskProperty """ return cls( dilate=RadiusType.NO, dilate_radius=0, fill_holes=RadiusType.NO, max_holes_size=0, save_components=False, clip_to_mask=False, )
[docs]def mp_eq(self: MaskProperty, other: MaskProperty): """Compare two :class:`MaskProperty`""" return ( self.__class__ == other.__class__ and self.dilate == other.dilate and self.fill_holes == other.fill_holes and self.save_components == other.save_components and self.clip_to_mask == other.clip_to_mask and (self.dilate == RadiusType.NO or (self.dilate_radius == other.dilate_radius)) and (self.fill_holes == RadiusType.NO or (self.max_holes_size == other.max_holes_size)) and (self.reversed_mask == other.reversed_mask) )
MaskProperty.__eq__ = mp_eq
[docs]def calculate_mask( mask_description: MaskProperty, roi: np.ndarray, old_mask: typing.Optional[np.ndarray], spacing: typing.Iterable[typing.Union[float, int]], components: typing.Optional[typing.List[int]] = None, time_axis: typing.Optional[int] = 0, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Function for calculate mask base on MaskProperty. If dilate_radius is negative then holes closing is done before erode, otherwise it is done after dilate :param MaskProperty mask_description: information how calculate mask :param np.ndarray roi: array on which mask is calculated :param typing.Optional[np.ndarray] old_mask: if in mask_description there is set to crop and old_mask is not None then final mask is clipped to this area :param typing.Iterable[typing.Union[float,int]] spacing: spacing of image. Needed for calculating radius of dilate :param typing.Optional[typing.List[int]] components: If present inform which components should be used when calculation mask, otherwise use all. :param typing.Optional[int] time_axis: which axis of array should be treated as time. IF none then none. :return: new mask :rtype: np.ndarray """ spacing_min = min(spacing) spacing = [x / spacing_min for x in spacing] dilate_radius = [int(abs(mask_description.dilate_radius / x) + 0.5) for x in spacing] if mask_description.dilate == RadiusType.R2D: dilate_radius = dilate_radius[-2:] if components is not None: components_num = max(np.max(roi), *components) + 1 map_array = np.zeros(components_num, dtype=minimal_dtype(components_num)) for el in components: map_array[el] = el roi = map_array[roi] mask = np.copy(roi) if mask_description.save_components else np.array(roi > 0) if time_axis is None: return _calculate_mask(mask_description, dilate_radius, mask, old_mask) slices: typing.List[typing.Union[slice, int]] = [slice(None) for _ in range(mask.ndim)] final_shape = list(mask.shape) final_shape[time_axis] = 1 final_shape = tuple(final_shape) res = [] for i in range(mask.shape[time_axis]): slices[time_axis] = i t_slices = tuple(slices) _old_mask = old_mask[t_slices] if old_mask is not None else None res.append(_calculate_mask(mask_description, dilate_radius, mask[t_slices], _old_mask).reshape(final_shape)) return np.concatenate(res, axis=time_axis)
def _calculate_mask( mask_description: MaskProperty, dilate_radius: typing.List[int], mask: np.ndarray, old_mask: typing.Union[None, np.ndarray], ) -> np.ndarray: if mask_description.dilate != RadiusType.NO and mask_description.dilate_radius != 0: if mask_description.dilate_radius > 0: mask = dilate(mask, dilate_radius, mask_description.dilate == RadiusType.R2D) mask = _fill_holes(mask_description, mask) elif mask_description.dilate_radius < 0: mask = _fill_holes(mask_description, mask) mask = erode(mask, dilate_radius, mask_description.dilate == RadiusType.R2D) elif mask_description.fill_holes != RadiusType.NO: mask = _fill_holes(mask_description, mask) if mask_description.reversed_mask: mask = np.array(mask == 0).astype(np.uint8) if mask_description.clip_to_mask and old_mask is not None: mask[old_mask == 0] = 0 return mask def _cut_components( mask: np.ndarray, image: np.ndarray, borders: int = 0 ) -> typing.Iterator[typing.Tuple[np.ndarray, typing.List[slice], int]]: sizes = np.bincount(mask.flat) for i, size in enumerate(sizes[1:], 1): if size > 0: points = np.nonzero(mask == i) lower_bound = np.min(points, axis=1) upper_bound = np.max(points, axis=1) new_cut = tuple(slice(x, y + 1) for x, y in zip(lower_bound, upper_bound)) new_size = [y - x + 1 + 2 * borders for x, y in zip(lower_bound, upper_bound)] if borders > 0: res = np.zeros(new_size, dtype=image.dtype) res_cut = tuple(slice(borders, x - borders) for x in tuple(res.shape)) tmp_res = np.copy(image[new_cut]) tmp_res[mask[new_cut] != i] = 0 res[res_cut] = tmp_res else: res = image[new_cut] res[mask[new_cut] != i] = 0 yield res, tuple(new_cut), i def _fill_holes(mask_description: MaskProperty, mask: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: if mask_description.fill_holes == RadiusType.NO: return mask if mask_description.save_components: border = 1 res_slice = tuple(slice(border, -border) for _ in range(mask.ndim)) mask_description_copy = mask_description.copy(update={"save_components": False}) mask_prohibited = mask > 0 for component, slice_arr, cmp_num in _cut_components(mask, mask, border): mask_prohibited_component = mask_prohibited[slice_arr] new_component = _fill_holes(mask_description_copy, component) new_component = new_component[res_slice] new_component[mask_prohibited_component > 0] = 0 mask[slice_arr][new_component > 0] = cmp_num else: if mask_description.fill_holes == RadiusType.R2D: mask = fill_2d_holes_in_mask(mask, mask_description.max_holes_size) elif mask_description.fill_holes == RadiusType.R3D: mask = fill_holes_in_mask(mask, mask_description.max_holes_size) mask = mask.astype(bool) return mask
[docs]def fill_holes_in_mask(mask: np.ndarray, volume: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Fil holes in mask. If volume has positive Value then fill holes only smaller than this value :param mask: mask to be modified :param volume: maximum volume of holes which will be filled :return: modified mask """ holes_mask = (mask == 0).astype(np.uint8) component_mask = sitk.GetArrayFromImage( sitk.RelabelComponent(sitk.ConnectedComponent(sitk.GetImageFromArray(holes_mask))) ) border_set: typing.Set[int] = set() for dim_num in range(component_mask.ndim): border_set.update(list(np.unique(np.take(component_mask, [0, -1], axis=dim_num)))) if 0 in border_set: border_set.remove(0) components_num = component_mask.max() if component_mask.dtype.type(components_num) >= component_mask.dtype.type(components_num + 1): raise ValueError("overflow error") for num in border_set: component_mask[component_mask == num] = components_num + 1 if volume > 0: sizes = np.bincount(component_mask.flat) for i, v in enumerate(sizes[1:], 1): if v <= volume and i < components_num + 1: component_mask[component_mask == i] = 0 else: component_mask[component_mask <= components_num] = 0 return component_mask == 0
[docs]def fill_2d_holes_in_mask(mask: np.ndarray, volume: int) -> np.ndarray: """ fill holes in each 2d layer separately :param mask: mask to fill holes :param volume: minimum volume :return: modified mask """ mask = np.copy(mask) if mask.ndim == 2: return fill_holes_in_mask(mask, volume) for i in range(mask.shape[0]): mask[i] = fill_holes_in_mask(mask[i], volume) return mask