Source code for PartSegCore.analysis.batch_processing.parallel_backend

This module contains utils for parallel batch calculation.
Main class is :py:class:`BatchManager` which is used to manage
parallel calculation

Main workflow is to add work with :py:meth:`BatchManager.add_work`
and consume results (:py:meth:`BatchManager.get_result`) until
:py:attr:`BatchManager.has_work` is evaluating to true

.. graphviz::

   digraph foo {
      "BatchManager" -> "BatchWorker"[arrowhead="crow"];

import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
import sys
import time
import traceback
import uuid
from contextlib import suppress
from enum import Enum
from queue import Empty, Queue
from threading import RLock, Timer
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Tuple

__author__ = "Grzegorz Bokota"

from PartSegCore.plugins import register_if_need

[docs]class SubprocessOrder(Enum): """ Commands for process to put in queue """ kill = 1 wait = 2 cancel_job = 3
[docs]class BatchManager: """ This class is used for manage pending works. It use :py:class:`.BatchWorker` for running calculation. :type task_queue: Queue :type order_queue: Queue :type result_queue: Queue :type calculation_dict: dict :type process_list: list[multiprocessing.Process] """ def __init__(self): self.manager = multiprocessing.Manager() self.task_queue = self.manager.Queue() self.order_queue = self.manager.Queue() self.result_queue = self.manager.Queue() self.calculation_dict = self.manager.dict() self.number_off_available_process = 1 self.number_off_process = 0 self.number_off_alive_process = 0 self.work_task = 0 self.in_work = False self.process_list = [] = RLock()
[docs] def get_result(self) -> List[Tuple[uuid.UUID, Any]]: """ Clean result queue and return it as list :return: List of results as tuple where first element is uuid of job and second is function result or tuple with exception as first argument and second is traceback """ res = [] while not self.result_queue.empty(): res.append(self.result_queue.get()) self.work_task -= len(res) if self.work_task == 0: logging.debug("computation finished") Timer(0.1, self._change_process_num, args=[-self.number_off_available_process]).start() return res
[docs] def add_work(self, individual_parameters_list: List, global_parameters, fun: Callable[[Any, Any], Any]) -> str: """ This function add next works to internal structures. Number of works is length of ``individual_parameters_list`` :param individual_parameters_list: list of individual parameters for fun. For each element ``fun`` will be called with element as first argument :param global_parameters: second argument of fun. If has field uuid then it is used as work uuid :param fun: two argument function which will be used to run calculation. First argument is task specific, second is const for whole work. :return: work uuid """ self.calculation_dict[global_parameters.uuid] = global_parameters, fun self.work_task += len(individual_parameters_list) if hasattr(global_parameters, "uuid"): task_uuid = global_parameters.uuid else: task_uuid = uuid.uuid4() for el in individual_parameters_list: self.task_queue.put((el, task_uuid)) if self.number_off_available_process > self.number_off_process: for _ in range(self.number_off_available_process - self.number_off_process): self._spawn_process() self.in_work = True return task_uuid
def _spawn_process(self): with process = multiprocessing.Process( target=spawn_worker, args=(self.task_queue, self.order_queue, self.result_queue, self.calculation_dict) ) process.start() self.process_list.append(process) self.number_off_alive_process += 1 self.number_off_process += 1 @property def has_work(self) -> bool: """Check if Manager has pending or processed work and if all results are consumed""" return self.work_task > 0 or (not self.result_queue.empty()) def kill_jobs(self): for p in self.process_list: p.terminate()
[docs] def set_number_of_process(self, num: int): """ Change number of workers which should be used for calculation :param num: target number of process """ process_diff = num - self.number_off_available_process logging.debug("[set_number_of_process] process diff: %s", process_diff) self.number_off_available_process = num if not self.has_work: return self._change_process_num(process_diff)
def _change_process_num(self, process_diff): if process_diff > 0: for _ in range(process_diff): self._spawn_process() else: for _ in range(-process_diff): logging.debug("[set_number_of_process] process kill") self.order_queue.put(SubprocessOrder.kill) with self.number_off_process += process_diff self.join_all() def cancel_work(self, global_parameters): with suppress(KeyError): del self.calculation_dict[global_parameters.uuid] def join_all(self): logging.debug("Join begin %s %s", len(self.process_list), self.number_off_process) with if len(self.process_list) > self.number_off_process: to_remove = [] logging.debug("Process list start %s", self.process_list) for p in self.process_list: if not p.is_alive(): p.join() self.number_off_alive_process -= 1 to_remove.append(p) for p in to_remove: self.process_list.remove(p) self.number_off_alive_process -= len(to_remove) logging.debug("Process list end %s", self.process_list) # FIXME self.number_off_alive_process, self.number_off_process negative values if len(self.process_list) > self.number_off_process and len(self.process_list) > 0: "Wait on process, time %s, %s, %s, %s", time.time(), self.number_off_alive_process, len(self.process_list), self.number_off_process, ) Timer(1, self.join_all).start() @property def finished(self): """Check if any process is running""" logging.debug(self.process_list) return len(self.process_list) == 0
[docs]class BatchWorker: """ Worker spawned by :py:class:`BatchManager` instance :param task_queue: Queue with task data :param order_queue: Queue with additional orders (like kill) :param result_queue: Queue to put result :param calculation_dict: to store global parameters of task """ def __init__( self, task_queue: Queue, order_queue: Queue, result_queue: Queue, calculation_dict: Dict[uuid.UUID, Tuple[Any, Callable[[Any, Any], Any]]], ): self.task_queue = task_queue self.order_queue = order_queue self.result_queue = result_queue self.calculation_dict = calculation_dict self.canceled_tasks = set()
[docs] def calculate_task(self, val: Tuple[Any, uuid.UUID]): """ Calculate single task. ``val`` is tuple with two elements (task_data, uuid). function and global parameters are obtained from :py:attr:`.calculation_dict` """ data, task_uuid = val calc = self.calculation_dict.get(task_uuid) if calc is None: self.result_queue.put((task_uuid, (-1, [SubprocessOrder.cancel_job]))) global_data, fun = calc try: res = fun(data, global_data) self.result_queue.put((task_uuid, res)) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover # pylint: disable=broad-except traceback.print_exc() exc_type, _exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() f_name = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1] print(exc_type, f_name, exc_tb.tb_lineno, file=sys.stderr) self.result_queue.put((task_uuid, (-1, [(e, traceback.extract_tb(e.__traceback__))])))
[docs] def run(self): """Worker main loop""" logging.debug("Process started %s", os.getpid()) while True: if not self.order_queue.empty(): with suppress(Empty): order = self.order_queue.get_nowait() logging.debug("Order message: %s", order) if order == SubprocessOrder.kill: break if not self.task_queue.empty(): try: task = self.task_queue.get_nowait() self.calculate_task(task) except Empty: # pragma: no cover time.sleep(0.1) continue except (MemoryError, OSError): # pragma: no cover pass except Exception as ex: # pragma: no cover # pylint: disable=broad-except logging.warning("Unsupported exception %s", ex) else: time.sleep(0.1)"Process %s ended", os.getpid())
[docs]def spawn_worker(task_queue: Queue, order_queue: Queue, result_queue: Queue, calculation_dict: Dict[uuid.UUID, Any]): """ Function for spawning worker. Designed as argument for :py:meth:`multiprocessing.Process`. :param task_queue: Queue with tasks :param order_queue: Queue with additional orders (like kill) :param result_queue: Queue for calculation result :param calculation_dict: dict with global parameters """ register_if_need() with suppress(ImportError): from PartSeg.plugins import register_if_need as register register() worker = BatchWorker(task_queue, order_queue, result_queue, calculation_dict)