Source code for PartSegCore.algorithm_describe_base

import inspect
import textwrap
import typing
import warnings
from abc import ABC, ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from enum import Enum
from functools import wraps

from local_migrator import REGISTER, class_to_str
from pydantic import BaseModel as PydanticBaseModel
from pydantic import create_model, validator
from pydantic.fields import ModelField, UndefinedType
from pydantic.main import ModelMetaclass
from typing_extensions import Annotated

from PartSegCore.utils import BaseModel
from PartSegImage import Channel

[docs]class AlgorithmDescribeNotFound(Exception): """ When algorithm description not found """
[docs]class AlgorithmProperty: """ This class is used to verbose describe algorithm parameters :param str name: name of parameter used in code :param str user_name: name presented to user in interface :param default_value: initial value which be used during interface generation :param str help_text: toll tip presented to user when keep mouse over widget :type value_type: type """ def __init__( self, name: str, user_name: str, default_value: typing.Union[str, int, float, object], options_range=None, possible_values=None, value_type=None, help_text="", per_dimension=False, mgi_options=None, **kwargs, ): if "property_type" in kwargs: warnings.warn("property_type is deprecated, use value_type instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) value_type = kwargs["property_type"] del kwargs["property_type"] if kwargs: raise ValueError(", ".join(kwargs.keys()) + " are not expected") = name self.user_name = user_name if isinstance(possible_values, list): self.value_type = list elif value_type is not None: self.value_type = value_type else: self.value_type = type(default_value) self.default_value = default_value self.range = options_range self.possible_values = possible_values self.help_text = help_text self.per_dimension = per_dimension self.mgi_options = mgi_options if mgi_options is not None else {} if self.value_type is list and default_value not in possible_values: raise ValueError(f"default_value ({default_value}) should be one of possible values ({possible_values}).") def __repr__(self): return ( f"{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__name__}(name='{}'," f" user_name='{self.user_name}', " f"default_value={self.default_value}, type={self.value_type}, range={self.range}," f"possible_values={self.possible_values})" )
class _GetDescriptionClass: __slots__ = ("_name",) def __init__(self): self._name = None def __set_name__(self, owner, name: str): if self._name is None: self._name = name def __get__(self, obj, klass): if klass is None: klass = type(obj) name = typing.cast(str, self._name) fields_dkt = { ( Annotated[field.value_type, field.user_name, field.range, field.help_text], field.default_value, ) for field in klass.get_fields() if not isinstance(field, str) } model = create_model(name, **fields_dkt) model.__qualname__ = f"{klass.__qualname__}.{name}" setattr(klass, name, model) return model def _partial_abstractmethod(funcobj): funcobj.__is_partial_abstractmethod__ = True return funcobj
[docs]class AlgorithmDescribeBaseMeta(ABCMeta): def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs, **kwargs): cls2 = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs, **kwargs) if ( not inspect.isabstract(cls2) and hasattr(cls2.get_fields, "__is_partial_abstractmethod__") and cls2.__argument_class__ is None ): raise RuntimeError("class need to have __argument_class__ set or get_fields functions defined") cls2.__new_style__ = getattr(cls2.get_fields, "__is_partial_abstractmethod__", False) return cls2
[docs]class AlgorithmDescribeBase(ABC, metaclass=AlgorithmDescribeBaseMeta): """ This is abstract class for all algorithm exported to user interface. Based on get_name and get_fields methods the interface will be generated For each group of algorithm base abstract class will add additional methods """ __argument_class__: typing.Optional[typing.Type[PydanticBaseModel]] = None __new_style__: bool @classmethod def get_doc_from_fields(cls): resp = "{\n" for el in get_fields_from_algorithm(cls): if isinstance(el, AlgorithmProperty): resp += f" {}: {el.value_type} - " if el.help_text: resp += el.help_text resp += f"(default values: {el.default_value})\n" resp += "}\n" return resp
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def get_name(cls) -> str: """ Algorithm name. It will be used during interface generating and in registering to proper :py:class:`PartSeg.PartSegCore.algorithm_describe_base.Register`. :return: name of algorithm """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod @_partial_abstractmethod def get_fields(cls) -> typing.List[typing.Union[AlgorithmProperty, str]]: """ This function return list of parameters needed by algorithm. It is used for generate form in User Interface :return: list of algorithm parameters and comments """ if hasattr(cls, "__argument_class__") and cls.__argument_class__ is not None: warnings.warn( "Class has __argument_class__ defined, one should not use get_fields", category=FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return base_model_to_algorithm_property(cls.__argument_class__) raise NotImplementedError
@classmethod def _get_fields(cls): return base_model_to_algorithm_property(cls.__argument_class__) if cls.__new_style__ else cls.get_fields() @classmethod def get_fields_dict(cls) -> typing.Dict[str, AlgorithmProperty]: return { v for v in get_fields_from_algorithm(cls) if isinstance(v, AlgorithmProperty)} @classmethod def get_default_values(cls): if cls.__new_style__: return cls.__argument_class__() # pylint: disable=not-callable return { { "name": el.default_value, "values": el.possible_values[el.default_value].get_default_values(), } if issubclass(el.value_type, AlgorithmDescribeBase) else el.default_value for el in cls.get_fields() if isinstance(el, AlgorithmProperty) }
def get_fields_from_algorithm(ald_desc: AlgorithmDescribeBase) -> typing.List[typing.Union[AlgorithmProperty, str]]: if ald_desc.__new_style__: return base_model_to_algorithm_property(ald_desc.__argument_class__) return ald_desc.get_fields() def is_static(fun): args = inspect.getfullargspec(fun).args return True if len(args) == 0 else args[0] != "self" AlgorithmType = typing.TypeVar("AlgorithmType", bound=typing.Type[AlgorithmDescribeBase])
[docs]class Register(typing.Dict, typing.Generic[AlgorithmType]): """ Dict used for register :class:`.AlgorithmDescribeBase` classes. All registers from `PartSeg.PartSegCore.register` are this :param class_methods: list of method which should be implemented as class method it will be checked during add as args or with :meth:`.Register.register` method :param methods: list of method which should be instance method """ def __init__(self, *args: AlgorithmType, class_methods=None, methods=None, suggested_base_class=None, **kwargs): """ :param class_methods: list of method which should be class method :param methods: list of method which should be instance method :param kwargs: elements passed to OrderedDict constructor (may be initial elements). I suggest to not use this. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.suggested_base_class = suggested_base_class self.class_methods = ( list(class_methods) if class_methods else getattr(suggested_base_class, "need_class_method", []) ) self.methods = list(methods) if methods else getattr(suggested_base_class, "need_method", []) self._old_mapping = {} for el in args: self.register(el)
[docs] def values(self) -> typing.Iterable[AlgorithmType]: # noinspection PyTypeChecker return typing.cast(typing.Iterable[AlgorithmType], super().values())
def __eq__(self, other): return ( super().__eq__(other) and isinstance(other, Register) and self.class_methods == other.class_methods and self.methods == other.methods and self.suggested_base_class == other.suggested_base_class ) def __getitem__(self, item) -> AlgorithmType: # FIXME add better strategy to get proper class when there is conflict of names try: return typing.cast(AlgorithmType, super().__getitem__(item)) except KeyError: return typing.cast(AlgorithmType, super().__getitem__(self._old_mapping[item])) def __contains__(self, item): return super().__contains__(item) or item in self._old_mapping
[docs] def register( self, value: AlgorithmType, replace: bool = False, old_names: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None ): """ Function for registering :class:`.AlgorithmDescribeBase` based algorithms :param value: algorithm to register :param replace: replace existing algorithm, be patient with :param old_names: list of old names for registered class """ self.check_function(value, "get_name", True) try: name = value.get_name() except NotImplementedError: raise ValueError(f"Class {value} need to implement get_name class method") from None if name in self and not replace: raise ValueError( f"Object {self[name]} with this name: {name} already exist and register is not in replace mode" ) if not isinstance(name, str): raise ValueError(f"Function get_name of class {value} need return string not {type(name)}") self[name] = value if old_names is not None: # FIXME add better strategy to get proper class when there is conflict of names for old_name in old_names: if old_name in self._old_mapping and not replace: raise ValueError( f"Old value mapping for name {old_name} already registered." f" Currently pointing to {self._old_mapping[name]}" ) self._old_mapping[old_name] = name return value
@staticmethod def check_function(ob, function_name, is_class): fun = getattr(ob, function_name, None) if not is_class and not inspect.isfunction(fun): raise ValueError(f"Class {ob} need to define method {function_name}") if is_class and not inspect.ismethod(fun) and not is_static(fun): raise ValueError(f"Class {ob} need to define classmethod {function_name}") def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: AlgorithmType): if not issubclass(value, AlgorithmDescribeBase): raise ValueError( f"Class {value} need to inherit from {AlgorithmDescribeBase.__module__}.AlgorithmDescribeBase" ) self.check_function(value, "get_name", True) self.check_function(value, "get_fields", True) try: val = value.get_name() except NotImplementedError: raise ValueError(f"Method get_name of class {value} need to be implemented") from None if not isinstance(val, str): raise ValueError(f"Function get_name of class {value} need return string not {type(val)}") if key != val: raise ValueError("Object need to be registered under name returned by gey_name function") if not value.__new_style__: try: val = value.get_fields() if not isinstance(val, list): raise ValueError(f"Function get_fields of class {value} need return list not {type(val)}") except NotImplementedError: raise ValueError(f"Method get_fields of class {value} need to be implemented") from None for el in self.class_methods: self.check_function(value, el, True) for el in self.methods: self.check_function(value, el, False) super().__setitem__(key, value)
[docs] def get_default(self) -> str: """ Calculate default algorithm name for given dict. :return: name of algorithm """ try: return next(iter(self.keys())) except StopIteration: raise ValueError("Register does not contain any algorithm.") from None
[docs]class AddRegisterMeta(ModelMetaclass): def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs, **kwargs): methods = kwargs.pop("methods", []) suggested_base_class = kwargs.pop("suggested_base_class", None) class_methods = kwargs.pop("class_methods", []) cls2 = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs, **kwargs) # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args cls2.__register__ = Register( class_methods=class_methods, methods=methods, suggested_base_class=suggested_base_class ) return cls2 def __getitem__(self, item) -> AlgorithmType: return self.__register__[item] def __contains__(self, item) -> bool: return self.__register__.__contains__(item) def get(self, item, default=None): return self.__register__.get(item, default)
[docs]class AlgorithmSelection(BaseModel, metaclass=AddRegisterMeta): # pylint: disable=E1139 """ Base class for algorithm selection. For given algorithm there should be Register instance set __register__ class variable. """ name: str values: typing.Union[PydanticBaseModel, typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]] class_path: str = "" if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: __register__: Register
[docs] @validator("name") def check_name(cls, v): if v not in cls.__register__: raise ValueError(f"Missed algorithm {v}") return v
[docs] @validator("class_path", always=True) def update_class_path(cls, v, values): if v or "name" not in values: return v klass = cls.__register__[values["name"]] return class_to_str(klass)
[docs] @validator("values", pre=True) def update_values(cls, v, values): # FIXME add better strategy to get proper class when there is conflict of names if "name" not in values or not isinstance(v, dict): return v klass = cls.__register__[values["name"]] if not klass.__new_style__ or not klass.__argument_class__.__fields__: return v dkt_migrated = REGISTER.migrate_data(class_to_str(klass.__argument_class__), {}, v) return klass.__argument_class__(**dkt_migrated)
[docs] @classmethod def register( cls, value: AlgorithmType, replace=False, old_names: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None ) -> AlgorithmType: """ Function for registering :class:`.AlgorithmDescribeBase` based algorithms :param value: algorithm to register :param replace: replace existing algorithm, be patient with :param old_names: list of old names for registered class """ return cls.__register__.register(value, replace, old_names)
[docs] @classmethod def get_default(cls): name = cls.__register__.get_default() return cls(name=name, values=cls[name].get_default_values())
[docs] def algorithm(self): return self.__register__[]
[docs]class ROIExtractionProfileMeta(ModelMetaclass): def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs, **kwargs): cls2 = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs, **kwargs) # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args def allow_positional_args(func): @wraps(func) def _wraps(self, *args, **kwargs): if args: warnings.warn( "Positional arguments are deprecated, use keyword arguments instead", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) kwargs.update(dict(zip(self.__fields__, args))) return func(self, **kwargs) return _wraps cls2.__init__ = allow_positional_args(cls2.__init__) return cls2
[docs]class ROIExtractionProfile(BaseModel, metaclass=ROIExtractionProfileMeta): # pylint: disable=E1139 """ :ivar str name for segmentation profile :ivar str ~.algorithm: Name of algorithm :ivar dict ~.values: algorithm parameters """ name: str algorithm: str values: typing.Any
[docs] @validator("values") def validate_values(cls, v, values): # pylint: disable=no-self-use if not isinstance(v, dict): return v if "algorithm" not in values: return v from PartSegCore.analysis import AnalysisAlgorithmSelection from PartSegCore.mask.algorithm_description import MaskAlgorithmSelection name = values["algorithm"] is_analysis = name in AnalysisAlgorithmSelection is_mask = name in MaskAlgorithmSelection if is_analysis == is_mask: return v algorithm = AnalysisAlgorithmSelection[name] if is_analysis else MaskAlgorithmSelection[name] if not algorithm.__new_style__: return v dkt_migrated = REGISTER.migrate_data(class_to_str(algorithm.__argument_class__), {}, v) return algorithm.__argument_class__(**dkt_migrated)
[docs] def pretty_print(self, algorithm_dict): if isinstance(algorithm_dict, AlgorithmSelection): algorithm_dict = algorithm_dict.__register__ try: algorithm = algorithm_dict[self.algorithm] except KeyError: return f"{self}\n " values = self.values if isinstance(self.values, dict) else self.values.dict() if in {"", "Unknown"}: return ( "ROI extraction profile\nAlgorithm: " + self.algorithm + "\n" + self._pretty_print(values, algorithm.get_fields_dict()) ) return ( f"ROI extraction profile name: {}\nAlgorithm: {self.algorithm}\n" f"{self._pretty_print(values, algorithm.get_fields_dict())}" )
@classmethod def _pretty_print( cls, values: typing.MutableMapping, translate_dict: typing.Dict[str, AlgorithmProperty], indent=0 ): if not isinstance(values, typing.MutableMapping): return textwrap.indent(str(values), " " * indent) res = "" for k, v in values.items(): if k not in translate_dict: if isinstance(v, typing.MutableMapping): res += " " * indent + f"{k}: {cls._pretty_print(v, {}, indent + 2)}\n" else: res += " " * indent + f"{k}: {v}\n" continue desc = translate_dict[k] res += " " * indent + desc.user_name + ": " if issubclass(desc.value_type, Channel) and not isinstance(v, Channel): res += str(Channel(v)) elif issubclass(desc.value_type, AlgorithmDescribeBase): if isinstance(v, AlgorithmSelection): name = values_ = v.values else: name = v["name"] values_ = v["values"] res += desc.possible_values[name].get_name() if values_: res += "\n" res += cls._pretty_print(values_, desc.possible_values[name].get_fields_dict(), indent + 2) elif isinstance(v, typing.MutableMapping): res += cls._pretty_print(v, {}, indent + 2) else: res += str(v) res += "\n" return res[:-1]
[docs] @classmethod def print_dict(cls, dkt, indent=0, name: str = "") -> str: if isinstance(dkt, Enum): return if not isinstance(dkt, typing.MutableMapping): # FIXME update in future method of proper printing channel number if name.startswith("channel") and isinstance(dkt, int): return str(dkt + 1) return str(dkt) return "\n" + "\n".join( " " * indent + f"{k.replace('_', ' ')}: {cls.print_dict(v, indent + 2, k)}" for k, v in dkt.items() )
def __eq__(self, other): return ( isinstance(other, self.__class__) and == and self.algorithm == other.algorithm and self.values == other.values )
def _field_to_algorithm_property(name: str, field: "ModelField"): user_name = field.field_info.title value_range = None possible_values = None value_type = getattr(field, "annotation", field.type_) default_value = field.field_info.default help_text = field.field_info.description if user_name is None: user_name = name.replace("_", " ").capitalize() if not hasattr(field.type_, "__origin__"): if issubclass(field.type_, (int, float)): value_range = ( or or 0, field.field_info.le or or 1000, ) if issubclass(field.type_, AlgorithmSelection): value_type = AlgorithmDescribeBase if isinstance(field.field_info.default, UndefinedType): default_value = field.field_info.default_factory().name else: default_value = possible_values = field.type_.__register__ return AlgorithmProperty( name=name, user_name=user_name, default_value=default_value, options_range=value_range, value_type=value_type, possible_values=possible_values, help_text=help_text, mgi_options=field.field_info.extra.get("options", {}), )
[docs]def base_model_to_algorithm_property(obj: typing.Type[BaseModel]) -> typing.List[typing.Union[str, AlgorithmProperty]]: """ Convert pydantic model to list of AlgorithmPropert nad strings. :param obj: :return: """ res = [] value: ModelField if hasattr(obj, "header") and obj.header(): res.append(obj.header()) for name, value in obj.__fields__.items(): ap = _field_to_algorithm_property(name, value) if value.field_info.extra.get("hidden", False): continue pos = len(res) if "position" in value.field_info.extra: pos = value.field_info.extra["position"] if "prefix" in value.field_info.extra: res.insert(pos, value.field_info.extra["prefix"]) pos += 1 res.insert(pos, ap) if "suffix" in value.field_info.extra: res.insert(pos + 1, value.field_info.extra["suffix"]) return res