Source code for PartSeg.common_gui.colormap_creator

import bisect
import json
import typing
from contextlib import suppress
from functools import partial
from io import BytesIO
from math import ceil
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Set, Tuple

import local_migrator
import numpy as np
from fonticon_fa6 import FA6S
from napari.utils import Colormap
from qtpy.QtCore import QPointF, QRect, Qt, Signal
from qtpy.QtGui import (
from qtpy.QtWidgets import (
from superqt.fonticon import setTextIcon

from PartSeg.common_backend.base_settings import BaseSettings, ViewSettings
from PartSeg.common_gui.custom_load_dialog import PLoadDialog
from PartSeg.common_gui.custom_save_dialog import PSaveDialog
from PartSeg.common_gui.icon_selector import IconSelector
from PartSeg.common_gui.numpy_qimage import convert_colormap_to_image
from PartSeg.common_gui.qt_util import get_mouse_x, get_mouse_y
from PartSeg.common_gui.universal_gui_part import InfoLabel
from PartSegCore.color_image.base_colors import Color
from PartSegCore.custom_name_generate import custom_name_generate
from PartSegCore.io_utils import IO_LABELS_COLORMAP, LoadBase, SaveBase
from PartSegCore.utils import BaseModel

[docs]def color_from_qcolor(color: QColor) -> Color: """Convert :py:class:`PyQt5.QtGui.QColor` to :py:class:`.Color`""" return Color( / 255, / 255, / 255, alpha=color.alpha() / 255)
[docs]def qcolor_from_color(color: Color) -> QColor: """Convert :py:class:`.Color` to :py:class:`PyQt5.QtGui.QColor`""" return QColor(int( * 255), int( * 255), int( * 255), int(color.alpha * 255))
[docs]class ColormapEdit(QWidget): """ Preview of colormap. Double click used for add/remove colors. Single click on marker allows moving them """ double_clicked = Signal(float) # On double click emit signal with current position factor. def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.color_list: List[Color] = [] self.position_list: List[float] = [] self.move_ind = None self.image = convert_colormap_to_image(Colormap([(0, 0, 0)])) self.setMinimumHeight(60)
[docs] def paintEvent(self, a0: QPaintEvent) -> None: painter = QPainter(self) margin = 10 width = self.width() - 2 * margin rect = QRect(margin, margin, width, self.height() - 2 * margin) painter.drawImage(rect, self.image) for pos_factor in self.position_list: pos = width * pos_factor point = QPointF(pos + margin, self.height() / 2) painter.setBrush(QBrush( painter.drawEllipse(point, 5, 5) painter.setBrush(QBrush(Qt.white)) painter.drawEllipse(point, 3, 3) painter.restore()
[docs] def refresh(self): """Recreate presented image and force repaint event""" self.image = convert_colormap_to_image(self._colormap()) self.repaint()
def _get_color_ind(self, ratio) -> Optional[int]: ind = bisect.bisect_left(self.position_list, ratio) if len(self.position_list) > ind and abs(self.position_list[ind] - ratio) < 0.01: return ind if len(self.position_list) > 0 and ind > 0 and abs(self.position_list[ind - 1] - ratio) < 0.01: return ind - 1 return None def _get_ratio(self, event: QMouseEvent, margin=10): frame_margin = 10 width = self.width() - 2 * frame_margin mouse_x = get_mouse_x(event) mouse_y = get_mouse_y(event) if mouse_x < margin or mouse_x > self.width() - margin: return None if mouse_y < margin or mouse_y > self.height() - margin: return None return (mouse_x - frame_margin) / width
[docs] def mousePressEvent(self, e: QMouseEvent) -> None: ratio = self._get_ratio(e, 5) if ratio is None: return ind = self._get_color_ind(ratio) if ind is None: return self.move_ind = ind
[docs] def mouseReleaseEvent(self, e: QMouseEvent) -> None: self._move_color(e) self.move_ind = None
def _move_color(self, e: QMouseEvent) -> None: ratio = self._get_ratio(e) if ratio is None or self.move_ind is None: return self.position_list.pop(self.move_ind) ind = bisect.bisect_left(self.position_list, ratio) col = self.color_list.pop(self.move_ind) self.color_list.insert(ind, col) self.position_list.insert(ind, ratio) self.move_ind = ind self.refresh()
[docs] def mouseMoveEvent(self, e: QMouseEvent) -> None: self._move_color(e)
[docs] def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event: QMouseEvent) -> None: """ If click near marker remove it. Otherwise emmit `double_click` signal with event position factor. """ ratio = self._get_ratio(event) if ratio is None: return ind = self._get_color_ind(ratio) if ind is not None: self.position_list.pop(ind) self.color_list.pop(ind) self.refresh() return self.double_clicked.emit(ratio)
[docs] def add_color(self, position: float, color: Color): """ Add color to current colormap :param color: Color with position. """ ind = bisect.bisect_left(self.position_list, position) self.color_list.insert(ind, color) self.position_list.insert(ind, position) self.refresh()
[docs] def clear(self): """ Remove color markers. Reset to initial state. """ self.color_list = [] self.position_list = [] self.image = convert_colormap_to_image(Colormap([(0, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1)])) self.repaint()
[docs] def distribute_evenly(self): """ Distribute color markers evenly. """ for i, pos in enumerate(np.linspace(0, 1, len(self.position_list))): self.position_list[i] = pos self.refresh()
@property def colormap(self) -> Colormap: return self._colormap() def _colormap(self) -> Colormap: """colormap getter""" if len(self.color_list) == 0: return Colormap("black") color_list = [x.as_tuple() for x in self.color_list] position_list = self.position_list[:] if position_list[0] != 0: position_list.insert(0, 0) color_list.insert(0, color_list[0]) if position_list[-1] != 1: position_list.append(1) color_list.append(color_list[-1]) return Colormap(colors=color_list, controls=position_list) @colormap.setter def colormap(self, val: Colormap): """colormap setter""" self.position_list = val.controls.tolist() self.color_list = [Color.from_tuple(x) for x in val.colors.tolist()] self.refresh() def reverse(self): self.position_list = [1 - x for x in reversed(self.position_list)] self.color_list = list(reversed(self.color_list)) self.refresh()
[docs]class ColormapCreator(QWidget): """ Widget for creating colormap. """ colormap_selected = Signal(Colormap) """ emitted on save button click. Contains current colormap in format accepted by :py:func:`create_color_map` """ def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent=parent) self.color_picker = QColorDialog() self.color_picker.setWindowFlag(Qt.WindowType.Widget) self.color_picker.setOptions( QColorDialog.ColorDialogOption.DontUseNativeDialog | QColorDialog.ColorDialogOption.NoButtons ) self.show_colormap = ColormapEdit() self.clear_btn = QPushButton("Clear") self.save_btn = QPushButton("Save") self.distribute_btn = QPushButton("Distribute evenly") self.reverse_btn = QPushButton("Reverse") self.info_label = InfoLabel( [ "<strong>Tip:</strong> Select color and double click on a color bar below. " "Repeat to add another colors.", "<strong>Tip:</strong> Double click on a marker to remove it.", "<strong>Tip:</strong> Press and hold mouse left button on a marker to drag and drop it on color bar.", ], delay=10000, ) layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(self.color_picker) layout.addWidget(self.info_label) layout.addWidget(self.show_colormap) btn_layout = QHBoxLayout() btn_layout.addStretch(1) btn_layout.addWidget(self.reverse_btn) btn_layout.addWidget(self.distribute_btn) btn_layout.addWidget(self.clear_btn) btn_layout.addWidget(self.save_btn) layout.addLayout(btn_layout) self._btn_layout = btn_layout self.setLayout(layout) self.show_colormap.double_clicked.connect(self.add_color) self.clear_btn.clicked.connect(self.show_colormap.clear) self.save_btn.clicked.connect( self.reverse_btn.clicked.connect(self.show_colormap.reverse) self.distribute_btn.clicked.connect(self.show_colormap.distribute_evenly) def add_color(self, pos): color = self.color_picker.currentColor() self.show_colormap.add_color(pos, color_from_qcolor(color)) def save(self): if self.show_colormap.colormap: self.colormap_selected.emit(self.show_colormap.colormap)
[docs] def current_colormap(self) -> Colormap: """:return: current colormap""" return self.show_colormap.colormap
[docs] def set_colormap(self, colormap: Colormap): """set current colormap""" self.show_colormap.colormap = colormap self.show_colormap.refresh()
[docs]class PColormapCreatorMid(ColormapCreator): """Class to add export and import buttons to ColormapCreator without full PColormapCreator""" def __init__(self, settings: BaseSettings): super().__init__() self.settings = settings self.export_btn = QPushButton("Export") self.import_btn = QPushButton("Import") self._btn_layout.insertWidget(3, self.import_btn) self._btn_layout.insertWidget(3, self.export_btn) self.export_btn.clicked.connect(self._export_action) self.import_btn.clicked.connect(self._import_action) def _import_action(self): dial = PLoadDialog(ColormapLoad, settings=self.settings, path=IO_LABELS_COLORMAP) if dial.exec_(): res = dial.get_result() self.show_colormap.colormap = res.load_class.load(res.load_location) def _export_action(self): dial = PSaveDialog( ColormapSave, settings=self.settings, path=IO_LABELS_COLORMAP, ) if dial.exec_(): res = dial.get_result(), self.show_colormap.colormap, res.parameters)
[docs]class PColormapCreator(PColormapCreatorMid): """ :py:class:`~.ColormapCreator` variant which save result in :py:class:`.ViewSettings` """ def __init__(self, settings: BaseSettings): super().__init__(settings) for i, el in enumerate(settings.get_from_profile("custom_colors", [])): self.color_picker.setCustomColor( i, qcolor_from_color(el if isinstance(el, Color) else Color.from_tuple(el)) ) self.prohibited_names = set(self.settings.colormap_dict.keys()) # Prohibited name is added to reduce # probability of colormap cache collision def _save_custom_colors(self): colors = [color_from_qcolor(self.color_picker.customColor(i)) for i in range(self.color_picker.customCount())] self.settings.set_in_profile("custom_colors", colors)
[docs] def hideEvent(self, a0: QHideEvent) -> None: """Save custom colors on hide""" self._save_custom_colors()
def save(self): if self.show_colormap.colormap: rand_name = custom_name_generate(self.prohibited_names, self.settings.colormap_dict) save_colormap_in_settings(self.settings, self.show_colormap.colormap, rand_name) self.colormap_selected.emit(self.settings.colormap_dict[rand_name][0])
def save_colormap_in_settings(settings: ViewSettings, colormap: Colormap, name: str): colors = list(colormap.colors) positions = list(colormap.controls) if positions[0] != 0: positions.insert(0, 0) colors.insert(0, colors[0]) if positions[-1] != 1: positions.append(1) colors.append(colors[-1]) settings.colormap_dict[name] = Colormap(colors=np.array(colors), controls=np.array(positions)) settings.chosen_colormap_change(name, True) _icon_selector = IconSelector()
[docs]class ChannelPreview(QWidget): """ class for preview single colormap. Witch checkbox for change selection. :param colormap: colormap to show :param accepted: if checkbox should be checked :param name: name which will be emitted in all signals as firs argument """ selection_changed = Signal(str, bool) """checkbox selection changed (name)""" edit_request = Signal([str], [Colormap]) """send after pressing edit signal (name) (ColorMap object)""" remove_request = Signal(str) """Signal with name of colormap (name)""" def __init__( self, colormap: Colormap, accepted: bool, name: str, removable: bool = False, used: bool = False, parent=None ): super().__init__(parent) self.image = convert_colormap_to_image(colormap) self.colormap = colormap = name self.removable = removable self.checked = QCheckBox() self.checked.setChecked(accepted) self.checked.setDisabled(used) self.label = QLabel(name) self.label.setFixedWidth(150) self.setMinimumWidth(80) metrics = QFontMetrics(QFont()) layout = QHBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(self.checked) layout.addStretch(1) self.remove_btn = QToolButton(self) setTextIcon(self.remove_btn, FA6S.trash_can, 16) if removable: self.remove_btn.setToolTip("Remove colormap") else: self.remove_btn.setToolTip("This colormap is protected") self.remove_btn.setEnabled(not accepted and self.removable) self.edit_btn = QToolButton(self) setTextIcon(self.edit_btn, FA6S.pen, 16) layout.addWidget(self.remove_btn) layout.addWidget(self.edit_btn) layout.addWidget(self.label) self.setLayout(layout) self.checked.stateChanged.connect(self._selection_changed) self.edit_btn.clicked.connect(partial(self.edit_request.emit, name)) if len(colormap.controls) < 20: self.edit_btn.clicked.connect(partial(self.edit_request[Colormap].emit, colormap)) self.edit_btn.setToolTip("Create colormap base on this") else: self.edit_btn.setDisabled(True) self.edit_btn.setToolTip("This colormap is not editable") self.remove_btn.clicked.connect(partial(self.remove_request.emit, name)) self.setMinimumHeight(max(metrics.height(), self.edit_btn.minimumHeight(), self.checked.minimumHeight()) + 20) self.setToolTip( def _selection_changed(self, _=None): chk = self.checked.isChecked() self.selection_changed.emit(, chk) self.remove_btn.setEnabled(not chk and self.removable)
[docs] def set_blocked(self, block): """Set if block possibility of remove or uncheck""" self.checked.setDisabled(block) if self.removable and not block: self.remove_btn.setToolTip("Remove colormap") else: self.remove_btn.setToolTip("This colormap is protected") self.remove_btn.setDisabled(True)
@property def state_changed(self): """Inner checkbox stateChanged signal""" return self.checked.stateChanged @property def is_checked(self): """If colormap is selected""" return self.checked.isChecked()
[docs] def set_chosen(self, state: bool): """Set selection of check box.""" self.checked.setChecked(state)
[docs] def paintEvent(self, event: QPaintEvent): painter = QPainter(self) layout = self.layout() first_el = layout.itemAt(0).widget() start = 2 * first_el.x() + first_el.width() end = self.remove_btn.x() - first_el.x() rect = self.rect() rect.setX(start) rect.setWidth(end - start) painter.drawImage(rect, self.image) super().paintEvent(event)
[docs]class ColormapList(QWidget): """ Show list of colormaps """ edit_signal = Signal(Colormap) """Colormap for edit""" remove_signal = Signal(str) """Name of colormap to remove""" visibility_colormap_change = Signal(str, bool) """Hide or show colormap""" def __init__( self, colormap_map: Dict[str, Tuple[Colormap, bool]], selected: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, parent=None ): super().__init__(parent=parent) self._selected = set() if selected is None else set(selected) self._blocked = set() self.current_columns = 1 self.colormap_map = colormap_map self._widget_dict: Dict[str, ChannelPreview] = {} self.scroll_area = QScrollArea() self.central_widget = QWidget() layout2 = QVBoxLayout() self.grid_layout = QGridLayout() layout2.addLayout(self.grid_layout) layout2.addStretch(1) layout2.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.central_widget.setLayout(layout2) self.central_widget.setMinimumWidth(300) self.scroll_area.setWidget(self.central_widget) self.scroll_area.setWidgetResizable(True) layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(self.scroll_area) self.setLayout(layout)
[docs] def showEvent(self, event: QShowEvent): self.refresh()
[docs] def get_selected(self) -> Set[str]: """Already selected colormaps""" return self._selected
def change_selection(self, name, selected): if selected: self._selected.add(name) else: self._selected.remove(name) self.visibility_colormap_change.emit(name, selected)
[docs] def blocked(self) -> Set[str]: """Channels that cannot be turn of and remove""" return self._blocked
def _get_columns(self): return max(1, self.width() // 500)
[docs] def resizeEvent(self, event: QResizeEvent): if self._get_columns() != self.current_columns: self.refresh() self.central_widget.repaint()
def refresh(self): layout: QGridLayout = self.grid_layout cache_dict: Dict[str, ChannelPreview] = {} self._widget_dict = {} for _ in range(layout.count()): el: ChannelPreview = layout.takeAt(0).widget() if in self.colormap_map: cache_dict[] = el else: el.deleteLater() el.edit_request[Colormap].disconnect() el.remove_request.disconnect() el.selection_changed.disconnect() selected = self.get_selected() blocked = self.blocked() columns = self._get_columns() for i, (name, (colormap, removable)) in enumerate(self.colormap_map.items()): if name in cache_dict: widget = cache_dict[name] widget.set_blocked(name in blocked) widget.set_chosen(name in selected) else: widget = self._create_colormap_preview(colormap, name, removable) widget.edit_request[Colormap].connect(self.edit_signal) widget.remove_request.connect(self._remove_request) widget.selection_changed.connect(self.change_selection) layout.addWidget(widget, i // columns, i % columns) self._widget_dict[name] = widget widget: QWidget = layout.itemAt(0).widget() height = widget.minimumHeight() self.current_columns = columns self.central_widget.setMinimumHeight((height + 10) * ceil(len(self.colormap_map) / columns)) def _create_colormap_preview(self, colormap: Colormap, name: str, removable: bool) -> ChannelPreview: return ChannelPreview( colormap, name in self.get_selected(), name, removable=removable, used=name in self.blocked(), parent=self )
[docs] def check_state(self, name: str) -> bool: """ Check state of widget representing given colormap :param name: name of colormap which representing widget should be checked """ return self._widget_dict[name].is_checked
[docs] def set_state(self, name: str, state: bool) -> None: """ Set if given colormap is selected :param name: name of colormap :param state: state to be set """ self._widget_dict[name].set_chosen(state)
[docs] def get_colormap_widget(self, name) -> ChannelPreview: """Access to widget showing colormap. Created for testing purpose.""" return self._widget_dict[name]
def _remove_request(self, name): _, removable = self.colormap_map[name] if not removable: raise ValueError(f"ColorMap {name} is protected from remove") if name not in self.colormap_map: raise ValueError(f"color with name {name} not found in any dict") del self.colormap_map[name] self.refresh()
[docs]class PColormapList(ColormapList): """ Show list of colormaps. Integrated with :py:class:`.ViewSettings` :param settings: used for store state :param control_names: list of names of :py:class:`PartSeg.common_gui.stack_image_view.ImageView` for protect used channels from uncheck or remove """ def __init__(self, settings: ViewSettings, control_names: List[str]): super().__init__(settings.colormap_dict) settings.colormap_dict.colormap_removed.connect(self.refresh) settings.colormap_dict.colormap_added.connect(self.refresh) settings.colormap_changes.connect(self.refresh) self.settings = settings self.color_names = control_names
[docs] def get_selected(self) -> Set[str]: return set(self.settings.chosen_colormap)
def change_selection(self, name, selected): self.visibility_colormap_change.emit(name, selected) self.settings.chosen_colormap_change(name, selected)
[docs] def blocked(self) -> Set[str]: # TODO check only currently presented channels blocked = set() for el in self.color_names: num = self.settings.get_from_profile(f"{el}.channels_count", 0) for i in range(num): blocked.add(self.settings.get_channel_colormap_name(el, i)) return blocked
def _change_colormap_visibility(self, name, visible): colormaps = set(self.settings.chosen_colormap) if visible: colormaps.add(name) else: with suppress(KeyError): colormaps.remove(name) self.settings.chosen_colormap = sorted(colormaps)
[docs]class ColormapSave(SaveBase): __argument_class__ = BaseModel @classmethod def get_short_name(cls): return "colormap_json"
[docs] @classmethod def save( cls, save_location: typing.Union[str, BytesIO, Path], project_info, parameters: Optional[dict] = None, range_changed=None, step_changed=None, ): with open(save_location, "w") as f: json.dump(project_info, f, cls=local_migrator.Encoder, indent=4)
[docs] @classmethod def get_name(cls) -> str: return "Colormap json (*.colormap.json)"
[docs]class ColormapLoad(LoadBase): __argument_class__ = BaseModel @classmethod def get_short_name(cls): return "colormap_json"
[docs] @classmethod def load( cls, load_locations: typing.List[typing.Union[str, BytesIO, Path]], range_changed: Optional[typing.Callable[[int, int], typing.Any]] = None, step_changed: Optional[typing.Callable[[int], typing.Any]] = None, metadata: typing.Optional[dict] = None, ) -> Colormap: with open(load_locations[0]) as f: return json.load(f, object_hook=local_migrator.object_hook)
[docs] @classmethod def get_name(cls) -> str: return "Colormap json (*.colormap.json)"