Source code for PartSegImage.image_reader

import os.path
import typing
from abc import abstractmethod
from contextlib import suppress
from io import BytesIO
from pathlib import Path
from threading import Lock

import numpy as np
import tifffile
from czifile.czifile import CziFile
from defusedxml import ElementTree
from oiffile import OifFile

from PartSegImage.image import Image

INCOMPATIBLE_IMAGE_MASK = "Incompatible shape of mask and image"

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element  # nosec

def _empty(_, __):
    """Empty function for callback"""

[docs] class TiffFileException(Exception): """ exception raised if reading tiff file fails. Created for distinguish exceptions which should reported as warning message (not for report) """
[docs] class BaseImageReader: """ Base class for reading image using Christopher Gholike libraries :cvar typing.Type[Image] ~.image_class: image class to return """ image_class = Image
[docs] @classmethod def return_order(cls) -> str: """ Order to which image axes should be rearranged before pass to :py:attr:`image_class` constructor. Default is :py:attr:`image_class.return_order` """ return cls.image_class.axis_order
def __init__(self, callback_function=None): self.default_spacing = 10**-6, 10**-6, 10**-6 self.spacing = self.default_spacing if callback_function is None: self.callback_function = _empty else: self.callback_function = callback_function def set_default_spacing(self, spacing): spacing = tuple(spacing) if len(spacing) == 2: # one micrometer spacing = (10 ** (-6), *spacing) if len(spacing) != 3: raise ValueError(f"wrong spacing {spacing}") # pragma: no cover self.default_spacing = spacing
[docs] @abstractmethod def read(self, image_path: typing.Union[str, Path], mask_path=None, ext=None) -> Image: """ Main function to read image. If ext is not set then it may be deduced from path to file. If BytesIO is given and non default data file type is needed then ext need to be set :param image_path: path to image or buffer :param mask_path: path to mask or buffer :param ext: extension to decide algorithm, if absent and image_path is path then should be deduced from path :return: image structure """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def read_image( cls, image_path: typing.Union[str, Path], mask_path=None, callback_function: typing.Optional[typing.Callable] = None, default_spacing: typing.Optional[typing.Tuple[float, float, float]] = None, ) -> Image: """ read image file with optional mask file :param image_path: path or opened file contains image :param mask_path: :param callback_function: function for provide information about progress in reading file (for progressbar) :param default_spacing: used if file do not contains information about spacing (or metadata format is not supported) :return: image """ # TODO add generic description of callback function instance = cls(callback_function) if default_spacing is not None: instance.set_default_spacing(default_spacing) return, mask_path)
@staticmethod def _reduce_obsolete_dummy_axes(array, axes) -> typing.Tuple[np.ndarray, str]: """ If there are duplicates in axes string then remove dimensions of size one :return: reduced array and axes """ if len(axes) == len(set(axes)): return array, axes ax_li = [] shape_li = [] for dim, ax in zip(array.shape, axes): if dim != 1: ax_li.append(ax) shape_li.append(dim) axes = "".join(ax_li) array = np.reshape(array, shape_li) return array, axes
[docs] @classmethod def update_array_shape(cls, array: np.ndarray, axes: str): """ Rearrange order of array axes to get proper internal axes order :param array: array to reorder :param axes: current order of array axes as string like "TZYXC" """ array, axes = cls._reduce_obsolete_dummy_axes(array, axes) try: final_mapping_dict = {letter: i for i, letter in enumerate(cls.return_order())} for let1, let2 in [("Z", "I"), ("Z", "Q"), ("C", "S")]: if let1 in final_mapping_dict and let2 not in final_mapping_dict: final_mapping_dict[let2] = final_mapping_dict[let1] axes_li = list(axes) # Fixme; workaround for old saved segmentation if axes_li[0] == "Q" and axes_li[1] == "Q": axes_li[0] = "T" axes_li[1] = "Z" i = 0 while i < len(axes_li): name = axes_li[i] if name not in final_mapping_dict and array.shape[i] == 1: array = array.take(0, i) axes_li.pop(i) else: i += 1 final_mapping = [final_mapping_dict[letter] for letter in axes_li] except KeyError as e: # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError( f"Data type not supported ({e.args[0]}). Please contact with author for update code" ) from e if len(final_mapping) != len(set(final_mapping)): # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError("Data type not supported. Please contact with author for update code") if len(array.shape) < len(cls.return_order()): array = np.reshape(array, array.shape + (1,) * (len(cls.return_order()) - len(array.shape))) return np.moveaxis(array, list(range(len(axes_li))), final_mapping)
[docs] class BaseImageReaderBuffer(BaseImageReader):
[docs] @abstractmethod def read(self, image_path: typing.Union[str, Path, BytesIO], mask_path=None, ext=None) -> Image: """ Main function to read image. If ext is not set then it may be deduced from path to file. If BytesIO is given and non default data file type is needed then ext need to be set :param image_path: path to image or buffer :param mask_path: path to mask or buffer :param ext: extension if need to decide algorithm, if absent and image_path is path then should be deduced from path :return: image structure """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def read_image( cls, image_path: typing.Union[str, Path, BytesIO], mask_path=None, callback_function: typing.Optional[typing.Callable] = None, default_spacing: typing.Optional[typing.Tuple[float, float, float]] = None, ) -> Image: """ read image file with optional mask file :param image_path: path or opened file contains image :param mask_path: :param callback_function: function for provide information about progress in reading file (for progressbar) :param default_spacing: used if file do not contains information about spacing (or metadata format is not supported) :return: image """ # TODO add generic description of callback function instance = cls(callback_function) if default_spacing is not None: instance.set_default_spacing(default_spacing) return, mask_path)
[docs] class GenericImageReader(BaseImageReaderBuffer): """This class try to decide which method use base on path"""
[docs] def read(self, image_path: typing.Union[str, BytesIO, Path], mask_path=None, ext=None) -> Image: if ext is None: if isinstance(image_path, (str, Path)): ext = os.path.splitext(image_path)[1] else: ext = ".tif" ext = ext.lower() if ext == ".czi": return CziImageReader.read_image(image_path, mask_path, self.callback_function, self.default_spacing) if ext in [".oif", ".oib"]: if isinstance(image_path, BytesIO): raise NotImplementedError("Oif format is not supported for BytesIO") return OifImagReader.read_image(image_path, mask_path, self.callback_function, self.default_spacing) if ext == ".obsep": if isinstance(image_path, BytesIO): raise NotImplementedError("Obsep format is not supported for BytesIO") return ObsepImageReader.read_image(image_path, mask_path, self.callback_function, self.default_spacing) return TiffImageReader.read_image(image_path, mask_path, self.callback_function, self.default_spacing)
[docs] class OifImagReader(BaseImageReader):
[docs] def read(self, image_path: typing.Union[str, Path], mask_path=None, ext=None) -> Image: with OifFile(image_path) as image_file: tiffs = tifffile.natural_sorted(image_file.glob("*.tif")) with tifffile.TiffFile(image_file.open_file(tiffs[0]), name=tiffs[0]) as tif_file: axes = image_file.series[0].axes + tif_file.series[0].axes image_data = image_file.asarray() image_data = self.update_array_shape(image_data, axes) with suppress(KeyError): self._read_scale_parameter(image_file) # TODO add mask reading return self.image_class( image_data, self.spacing, file_path=os.path.abspath(image_path), axes_order=self.return_order() )
def _read_scale_parameter(self, image_file): flat_parm = image_file.mainfile["Reference Image Parameter"] x_scale = flat_parm["HeightConvertValue"] * name_to_scalar[flat_parm["HeightUnit"]] y_scale = flat_parm["WidthConvertValue"] * name_to_scalar[flat_parm["WidthUnit"]] i = 0 while True: name = f"Axis {i} Parameters Common" if name not in image_file.mainfile: # pragma: no cover z_scale = 1 break axis_info = image_file.mainfile[name] if axis_info["AxisCode"] == "Z": z_scale = axis_info["Interval"] * name_to_scalar[axis_info["UnitName"]] break i += 1 self.spacing = z_scale, x_scale, y_scale
[docs] class CziImageReader(BaseImageReaderBuffer): """ This class is to read data from czi files. Masks will be treated as TIFF. """
[docs] def read(self, image_path: typing.Union[str, BytesIO, Path], mask_path=None, ext=None) -> Image: image_file = CziFile(image_path) image_data = image_file.asarray() image_data = self.update_array_shape(image_data, image_file.axes) metadata = image_file.metadata(False) with suppress(KeyError): scaling = metadata["ImageDocument"]["Metadata"]["Scaling"]["Items"]["Distance"] scale_info = {el["Id"]: el["Value"] for el in scaling} self.spacing = ( scale_info.get("Z", self.default_spacing[0]), scale_info.get("Y", self.default_spacing[1]), scale_info.get("X", self.default_spacing[2]), ) # TODO add mask reading if isinstance(image_path, BytesIO): image_path = "" return self.image_class(image_data, self.spacing, file_path=image_path, axes_order=self.return_order())
[docs] @classmethod def update_array_shape(cls, array: np.ndarray, axes: str): if "B" in axes: index = axes.index("B") if array.shape[index] != 1: raise NotImplementedError( "Czi file with B axes is not currently supported by PartSeg." " Please contact with author for update code" ) array = array.take(0, axis=index) axes = axes[:index] + axes[index + 1 :] if axes[-1] == "0": array = array[..., 0] axes = axes[:-1] return super().update_array_shape(array, axes)
[docs] class ObsepImageReader(BaseImageReader): def _search_for_files( self, directory: Path, channels: typing.List["Element"], suffix: str = "", required: bool = False, ) -> typing.List[Image]: possible_extensions = [".tiff", ".tif", ".TIFF", ".TIF"] channel_list = [] for channel in channels: try: name = next(iter(channel)).attrib["val"] + suffix except StopIteration as e: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("Missed information about channel name in obsep file") from e for ex in possible_extensions: if (directory / (name + ex)).exists(): name += ex break else: # pragma: no cover if required: raise ValueError(f"Not found file for key {name}") continue channel_list.append(TiffImageReader.read_image(directory / name, default_spacing=self.default_spacing)) return channel_list
[docs] def read(self, image_path: typing.Union[str, Path], mask_path=None, ext=None) -> Image: directory = Path(os.path.dirname(image_path)) xml_doc = ElementTree.parse(image_path).getroot() channels = xml_doc.findall("net/node/node/attribute[@name='image type']") if not channels: raise ValueError("Information about channel images not found") # pragma: no cover channel_list = [ *self._search_for_files(directory, channels, required=True), *self._search_for_files(directory, channels, "_deconv"), ] image = channel_list[0] for el in channel_list[1:]: image = image.merge(el, "C") z_spacing = ( float(xml_doc.find("net/node/attribute[@name='step width']/double").attrib["val"]) * name_to_scalar["um"] ) image.set_spacing((z_spacing,) + image.spacing[1:]) image.file_path = str(image_path) return image
[docs] class TiffImageReader(BaseImageReaderBuffer): """ TIFF/LSM files reader. Base reading with :py:meth:`BaseImageReader.read_image` image_file: tifffile.TiffFile mask_file: tifffile.TiffFile """ def __init__(self, callback_function=None): super().__init__(callback_function) self.colors = None self.channel_names = None self.ranges = None self.shift = (0, 0, 0) = ""
[docs] def read(self, image_path: typing.Union[str, BytesIO, Path], mask_path=None, ext=None) -> Image: """ Read tiff image from tiff_file """ self.spacing, self.colors, self.channel_names, self.ranges = self.default_spacing, None, None, None with tifffile.TiffFile(image_path) as image_file: total_pages_num = len(image_file.series[0]) axes = image_file.series[0].axes if image_file.is_lsm: self.read_lsm_metadata(image_file) elif image_file.is_imagej: self.read_imagej_metadata(image_file) elif image_file.is_ome: self.read_ome_metadata(image_file) else: x_spacing, y_spacing = self.read_resolution_from_tags(image_file) self.spacing = self.default_spacing[0], y_spacing, x_spacing mutex = Lock() count_pages = [0] def report_func(): mutex.acquire() count_pages[0] += 1 self.callback_function("step", count_pages[0]) mutex.release() if mask_path is not None: with tifffile.TiffFile(mask_path) as mask_file: self.callback_function("max", total_pages_num + len(mask_file.series[0])) self.verify_mask(mask_file, image_file) mask_file.report_func = report_func mask_data = mask_file.asarray() mask_data = self.update_array_shape(mask_data, mask_file.series[0].axes) if "C" in self.return_order(): pos: typing.List[typing.Union[slice, int]] = [slice(None) for _ in range(mask_data.ndim)] pos[self.return_order().index("C")] = 0 mask_data = mask_data[tuple(pos)] else: mask_data = None if total_pages_num > 1: self.callback_function("max", total_pages_num) image_file.report_func = report_func try: image_data = image_file.asarray() except ValueError as e: # pragma: no cover raise TiffFileException(*e.args) from e image_data = self.update_array_shape(image_data, axes) if not isinstance(image_path, (str, Path)): image_path = "" return self.image_class( image_data, self.spacing, mask=mask_data, default_coloring=self.colors, channel_names=self.channel_names, ranges=self.ranges, file_path=os.path.abspath(image_path), axes_order=self.return_order(), shift=self.shift,, )
[docs] @staticmethod def verify_mask(mask_file, image_file): """ verify if mask fit to image. Raise ValueError exception on error :return: """ if mask_file is None: # pragma: no cover return image_series = image_file.pages[0] mask_series = mask_file.pages[0] for i, pos in enumerate(mask_series.axes): if mask_series.shape[i] == 1: # pragma: no cover continue try: j = image_series.axes.index(pos) except ValueError as e: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError(f"{INCOMPATIBLE_IMAGE_MASK} (axes)") from e # TODO add verification if problem with T/Z/I if image_series.shape[j] != mask_series.shape[i]: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError(INCOMPATIBLE_IMAGE_MASK)
# TODO Add verification if mask have to few dimensions
[docs] @staticmethod def decode_int(val: int): """ This function split 32 bits int on 4 8-bits ints :param val: value to decode :return: list of four numbers with values from [0, 255] """ return [(val >> x) & 255 for x in [24, 16, 8, 0]]
def read_resolution_from_tags(self, image_file): tags = image_file.pages[0].tags try: if image_file.is_imagej: scalar = name_to_scalar[image_file.imagej_metadata["unit"]] else: unit = tags["ResolutionUnit"].value if unit == 3: scalar = name_to_scalar["centimeter"] elif unit == 2: scalar = name_to_scalar["cal"] else: # pragma: no cover raise KeyError(f"wrong scalar {tags['ResolutionUnit']}, {tags['ResolutionUnit'].value}") x_spacing = tags["XResolution"].value[1] / tags["XResolution"].value[0] * scalar y_spacing = tags["YResolution"].value[1] / tags["YResolution"].value[0] * scalar except (KeyError, ZeroDivisionError): x_spacing, y_spacing = self.default_spacing[2], self.default_spacing[1] return x_spacing, y_spacing def read_imagej_metadata(self, image_file): try: z_spacing = image_file.imagej_metadata["spacing"] * name_to_scalar[image_file.imagej_metadata["unit"]] except KeyError: z_spacing = self.default_spacing[0] x_spacing, y_spacing = self.read_resolution_from_tags(image_file) self.spacing = z_spacing, y_spacing, x_spacing self.colors = image_file.imagej_metadata.get("LUTs") self.channel_names = image_file.imagej_metadata.get("Labels") if "Ranges" in image_file.imagej_metadata: ranges = image_file.imagej_metadata["Ranges"] self.ranges = list(zip(ranges[::2], ranges[1::2])) def _read_ome_channel_information(self, meta_data): if "Channel" not in meta_data["Pixels"]: return if isinstance(meta_data["Pixels"]["Channel"], (list, tuple)): with suppress(KeyError): self.channel_names = [ch["Name"] for ch in meta_data["Pixels"]["Channel"]] with suppress(KeyError): self.colors = [self.decode_int(ch["Color"])[:-1] for ch in meta_data["Pixels"]["Channel"]] return if "Name" in meta_data["Pixels"]["Channel"]: self.channel_names = [meta_data["Pixels"]["Channel"]["Name"]] if "Color" in meta_data["Pixels"]["Channel"]: self.channel_names = [meta_data["Pixels"]["Channel"]["Color"]] def read_ome_metadata(self, image_file): meta_data = tifffile.xml2dict(image_file.ome_metadata)["OME"]["Image"] with suppress(KeyError): self.spacing = [ meta_data["Pixels"][f"PhysicalSize{x}"] * name_to_scalar[meta_data["Pixels"][f"PhysicalSize{x}Unit"]] for x in ["Z", "Y", "X"] ] with suppress(KeyError): self.shift = [ meta_data["Pixels"]["Plane"][0][f"Position{x}"] * name_to_scalar[meta_data["Pixels"]["Plane"][0][f"Position{x}Unit"]] for x in ["Z", "Y", "X"] ] = meta_data.get("Name", "") self._read_ome_channel_information(meta_data) def read_lsm_metadata(self, image_file): self.spacing = [image_file.lsm_metadata[f"VoxelSize{x}"] for x in ["Z", "Y", "X"]] if "ChannelColors" in image_file.lsm_metadata: if "Colors" in image_file.lsm_metadata["ChannelColors"]: self.colors = [x[:3] for x in image_file.lsm_metadata["ChannelColors"]["Colors"]] if "ColorNames" in image_file.lsm_metadata["ChannelColors"]: self.channel_names = image_file.lsm_metadata["ChannelColors"]["ColorNames"]
name_to_scalar = { "micron": 10**-6, "µm": 10**-6, "um": 10**-6, "nm": 10**-9, "mm": 10**-3, "millimeter": 10**-3, "pm": 10**-12, "picometer": 100**-12, "nanometer": 10**-9, "\\u00B5m": 10**-6, "centimeter": 10**-2, "cm": 10**-2, "cal": 2.54 * 10**-2, } #: dict with known names of scalar to scalar value. Some may be missed