Source code for PartSegCore.analysis.measurement_base

import sys
from abc import ABC
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, ForwardRef, Iterable, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
from local_migrator import REGISTER, class_to_str, register_class, rename_key
from pydantic import Field, validator
from sympy import Symbol, symbols

from PartSegCore.algorithm_describe_base import (
from PartSegCore.universal_const import Units
from PartSegCore.utils import BaseModel
from PartSegImage import Channel
from PartSegImage.image import Spacing

[docs] @register_class( old_paths=[ "PartSeg.utils.analysis.statistics_calculation.PerComponent", "PartSeg.utils.analysis.measurement_base.PerComponent", "segmentation_analysis.statistics_calculation.PerComponent", ] ) class PerComponent(Enum): """How measurement should be calculated""" No = 1 Yes = 2 Mean = 3 Per_Mask_component = 4 def __str__(self): return"_", " ")
[docs] @register_class( old_paths=[ "PartSeg.utils.analysis.statistics_calculation.AreaType", "PartSeg.utils.analysis.measurement_base.AreaType", "segmentation_analysis.statistics_calculation.AreaType", ] ) class AreaType(Enum): """On which area type measurement should be calculated""" ROI = 1 Mask = 2 Mask_without_ROI = 3 def __str__(self): return"_", " ")
[docs] def has_mask_components(component_and_mask_info: Iterable[Tuple[PerComponent, AreaType]]) -> bool: """Check if any measurement will return value per mask component""" return any( (cmp == PerComponent.Yes and area != AreaType.ROI) or cmp == PerComponent.Per_Mask_component for cmp, area in component_and_mask_info )
[docs] def has_roi_components(component_and_mask_info: Iterable[Tuple[PerComponent, AreaType]]) -> bool: """Check if any measurement will return value per ROI component""" return any((cmp == PerComponent.Yes and area == AreaType.ROI) for cmp, area in component_and_mask_info)
def _migrate_leaf_dict(dkt): from PartSegCore.analysis.measurement_calculation import MEASUREMENT_DICT new_dkt = dkt.copy() new_dkt["parameter_dict"] = new_dkt.pop("dict") new_dkt["name"] = MEASUREMENT_DICT[new_dkt["name"]].get_name() return new_dkt
[docs] @register_class( version="0.0.2", old_paths=[ "PartSeg.utils.analysis.statistics_calculation.Leaf", "PartSeg.utils.analysis.measurement_base.Leaf", "segmentation_analysis.statistics_calculation.Leaf", ], migrations=[("0.0.1", _migrate_leaf_dict), ("0.0.2", rename_key("parameter_dict", "parameters"))], ) class Leaf(BaseModel): """ Class for describe calculation of basic measurement """ name: str parameters: Any = Field(default_factory=dict) power: float = 1.0 area: Optional[AreaType] = None per_component: Optional[PerComponent] = None channel: Optional[Channel] = None @validator("parameters") def _validate_parameters(cls, v, values): # pylint: disable=no-self-use if not isinstance(v, dict) or "name" not in values: return v from PartSegCore.analysis.measurement_calculation import MEASUREMENT_DICT if values["name"] not in MEASUREMENT_DICT: return v method = MEASUREMENT_DICT[values["name"]] if not method.__new_style__ or not method.__argument_class__.__fields__: return v v = REGISTER.migrate_data(class_to_str(method.__argument_class__), {}, v) return method.__argument_class__(**v) @validator("per_component") def _validate_per_component(cls, v, values): # pylint: disable=no-self-use if not isinstance(v, PerComponent) or "area" not in values or values["area"] is None: return v if v == PerComponent.Per_Mask_component and values["area"] != AreaType.ROI: raise ValueError("Per_Mask_component can be used only with ROI area") return v
[docs] def get_channel_num(self, measurement_dict: Dict[str, "MeasurementMethodBase"]) -> Set[Channel]: """ Get set with number of channels needed for calculate this measurement :param measurement_dict: dict with all measurementh method. :return: set of channels num """ resp = set() if is not None and != -1: resp.add( try: measurement_method = measurement_dict[] if measurement_method.__new_style__: fields = base_model_to_algorithm_property(measurement_method.__argument_class__) else: fields = measurement_method.get_fields() for el in fields: if isinstance(el, str): continue if el.value_type is Channel: if isinstance(self.parameters, dict): if in self.parameters: resp.add(Channel(self.parameters[])) elif hasattr(self.parameters, resp.add(getattr(self.parameters, except KeyError as e: raise AlgorithmDescribeNotFound( from e return resp
def _parameters_string(self, measurement_dict: Dict[str, "MeasurementMethodBase"]) -> str: parameters = dict(self.parameters) if not parameters and is None: return "" arr = [] if is not None and != -1: arr.append(f"channel={}") if in measurement_dict: measurement_method = measurement_dict[] fields_dict = measurement_method.get_fields_dict() arr.extend(f"{fields_dict[k].user_name}={v}" for k, v in parameters.items()) else: arr.extend(f"{k.replace('_', ' ')}={v}" for k, v in parameters.items()) return "[" + ", ".join(arr) + "]" def _plugin_info(self, measurement_dict: Dict[str, "MeasurementMethodBase"]) -> str: if not in measurement_dict: return "" measurement_method = measurement_dict[] if ( hasattr(measurement_method, "__module__") and measurement_method.__module__.split(".", 1)[0] != "PartSegCore" ): if getattr(sys, "frozen", False): return f"[{measurement_method.__module__.split('.', 2)[1]}] " return f"[{measurement_method.__module__.split('.', 1)[0]}] " return ""
[docs] def pretty_print(self, measurement_dict: Dict[str, "MeasurementMethodBase"]) -> str: """ Pretty print for presentation in user interface. :param measurement_dict: dict with additional information used for more detailed description :return: string with indentation """ resp = if self.area is not None: resp = f"{self.area} {resp}" resp = self._plugin_info(measurement_dict) + resp if self.per_component is not None: if self.per_component == PerComponent.Yes: resp += " per component " elif self.per_component == PerComponent.Per_Mask_component: resp += " per mask component " elif self.per_component == PerComponent.Mean: resp += " mean component " resp += self._parameters_string(measurement_dict) if self.power != 1.0: resp += f" to the power {self.power}" return resp
def __str__(self): # pragma: no cover return self.pretty_print({})
[docs] def get_unit(self, ndim: int) -> Symbol: """ Return unit of selected measurement reflecting dimensionality. :param ndim: data dimensionality """ from PartSegCore.analysis import MEASUREMENT_DICT method = MEASUREMENT_DICT[] if self.power != 1: return method.get_units(ndim) ** self.power return method.get_units(ndim)
[docs] def is_per_component(self) -> bool: """If measurement return list of result or single value.""" return self.per_component in {PerComponent.Yes, PerComponent.Per_Mask_component}
[docs] def need_mask(self) -> bool: """If this measurement need mast for proper calculation.""" return ( self.area in {AreaType.Mask, AreaType.Mask_without_ROI} or self.per_component is PerComponent.Per_Mask_component )
def replace(self, **kwargs) -> Leaf: for key in list(kwargs.keys()): if key == "power": continue if not hasattr(self, key): raise ValueError(f"Unknown parameter {key}") if getattr(self, key) is not None and (key != "parameters" or dict(self.parameters)): del kwargs[key] return self.copy(update=kwargs) Leaf.replace_ = replace Node = ForwardRef("Node")
[docs] @register_class( old_paths=[ "PartSeg.utils.analysis.statistics_calculation.Node", "PartSeg.utils.analysis.measurement_base.Node", "segmentation_analysis.statistics_calculation.Node", ] ) class Node(BaseModel): """ Class for describe operation between two measurements """ left: Union[Node, Leaf] op: str = Field( description="Operation to perform between left and right child. Currently only division (`/`) supported" ) right: Union[Node, Leaf]
[docs] def get_channel_num(self, measurement_dict: Dict[str, "MeasurementMethodBase"]) -> Set[Channel]: return self.left.get_channel_num(measurement_dict) | self.right.get_channel_num(measurement_dict)
def __str__(self): # pragma: no cover left_text = f"({self.left!s})" if isinstance(self.left, Node) else str(self.left) right_text = f"({self.right!s})" if isinstance(self.right, Node) else str(self.right) return left_text + self.op + right_text
[docs] def pretty_print(self, measurement_dict: Dict[str, "MeasurementMethodBase"]) -> str: # pragma: no cover left_text = ( f"({self.left.pretty_print(measurement_dict)})" if isinstance(self.left, Node) else self.left.pretty_print(measurement_dict) ) right_text = ( f"({self.right.pretty_print(measurement_dict)})" if isinstance(self.right, Node) else self.right.pretty_print(measurement_dict) ) return left_text + self.op + right_text
[docs] def get_unit(self, ndim) -> Symbol: if self.op == "/": return self.left.get_unit(ndim) / self.right.get_unit(ndim) raise ValueError(f"Unknown operator '{self.op}'")
[docs] def is_per_component(self) -> bool: return self.left.is_per_component() or self.right.is_per_component()
[docs] def need_mask(self): return self.left.need_mask() or self.right.need_mask()
[docs] @register_class( old_paths=[ "PartSeg.utils.analysis.statistics_calculation.StatisticEntry", "PartSeg.utils.analysis.measurement_base.StatisticEntry", "segmentation_analysis.statistics_calculation.StatisticEntry", ] ) class MeasurementEntry(BaseModel): """Describe single measurement in measurement set""" name: str calculation_tree: Union[Node, Leaf]
[docs] def get_unit(self, unit: Units, ndim) -> str: return str(self.calculation_tree.get_unit(ndim)).format(str(unit))
[docs] def get_channel_num(self, measurement_dict: Dict[str, "MeasurementMethodBase"]) -> Set[Channel]: return self.calculation_tree.get_channel_num(measurement_dict)
[docs] class MeasurementMethodBase(AlgorithmDescribeBase, ABC): """ This is base class For all measurement calculation classes based on text_info[0] the measurement name will be generated, based_on text_info[1] the description is generated """ __argument_class__ = BaseModel text_info = "", "" need_class_method: ClassVar[List[str]] = [ "get_description", "is_component", "calculate_property", "get_starting_leaf", "get_units", "need_channel", ]
[docs] @classmethod def get_name(cls) -> str: """Name of measurement""" return str(cls.get_starting_leaf().name)
[docs] @classmethod def get_description(cls) -> str: """Measurement long description""" return "" if isinstance(cls.text_info, str) else cls.text_info[1]
[docs] @classmethod def is_component(cls) -> bool: """Return information if Need information about components""" return False
[docs] @staticmethod def calculate_property( # image: Image, channel: np.ndarray, roi: np.ndarray, mask: np.ndarray, voxel_size: Spacing, result_scalar: float, roi_alternative: Dict[str, np.ndarray], roi_annotation: Dict[int, Any], **kwargs, ): """ Main function for calculating measurement :param channel: main channel selected for measurement :param channel_{i}: for channel requested using :py:meth:`get_fields` ``AlgorithmProperty("channel", "Channel", 0, value_type=Channel)`` :param area_array: array representing current area returned by :py:meth:`area_type` :param roi: array representing roi :param mask: array representing mask (upper level roi) :param voxel_size: size of single voxel in meters :param result_scalar: scalar to get proper units in result :param roi_alternative: dict with alternative roi representation (for plugin specific mapping) :param roi_annotation: dict with roi annotations (for plugin specific mapping) List incomplete. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def get_starting_leaf(cls) -> Leaf: """This leaf is put on default list""" return Leaf(name=cls._display_name())
@classmethod def _display_name(cls): return cls.text_info if isinstance(cls.text_info, str) else cls.text_info[0]
[docs] @classmethod def get_units(cls, ndim) -> symbols: """Return units for measurement. They are shown to user""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def need_channel(cls): """if need image data""" return False
[docs] @staticmethod def area_type(area: AreaType): """Map chosen area type to proper area type. Allow to correct Area type.""" return area
@staticmethod def need_full_data(): return False