Source code for PartSegCore.analysis.batch_processing.batch_backend

This module contains PartSeg function used for calculate in batch processing

Calculation hierarchy:

.. graphviz::

   digraph calc {
      "CalculationManager"[shape=rectangle style=filled];
      "CalculationManager" -> "BatchManager" -> "BatchWorker"[arrowhead="crow"];

      "CalculationManager" -> "DataWriter"[arrowhead="inv"];
      "DataWriter" -> "FileData" -> "SheetData"[arrowhead="crow"];


from __future__ import annotations

import contextlib
import json
import logging
import math
import os
import threading
import traceback
from collections import OrderedDict
from enum import Enum
from os import path
from queue import Queue
from traceback import StackSummary
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import SimpleITK
import tifffile

from PartSegCore.algorithm_describe_base import ROIExtractionProfile
from PartSegCore.analysis.algorithm_description import AnalysisAlgorithmSelection
from PartSegCore.analysis.batch_processing.parallel_backend import BatchManager, SubprocessOrder
from PartSegCore.analysis.calculation_plan import (
from PartSegCore.analysis.io_utils import ProjectTuple
from PartSegCore.analysis.load_functions import LoadImageForBatch, LoadMaskSegmentation, LoadProject
from PartSegCore.analysis.measurement_base import has_mask_components, has_roi_components
from PartSegCore.analysis.save_functions import save_dict
from PartSegCore.json_hooks import PartSegEncoder
from PartSegCore.mask_create import calculate_mask
from PartSegCore.project_info import AdditionalLayerDescription, HistoryElement
from PartSegCore.roi_info import ROIInfo
from PartSegCore.segmentation.algorithm_base import ROIExtractionAlgorithm, report_empty_fun
from PartSegCore.utils import iterate_names
from PartSegImage import Image, TiffImageReader

    import uuid

    import xlsxwriter

    from PartSegCore.analysis.measurement_calculation import MeasurementResult
    from PartSegCore.segmentation import RestartableAlgorithm

# page with excel limits
MAX_CHAR_IN_EXCEL_CELL = 30_000  # real limit is 32_767 but it is better to have some margin
MAX_ROWS_IN_EXCEL_CELL = 50  # real limit is 253 but 50 provides better readability

[docs] class ResponseData(NamedTuple): path_to_file: str values: list[MeasurementResult]
CalculationResultList = List[ResponseData] ErrorInfo = Tuple[Exception, Union[StackSummary, Tuple[Dict, StackSummary]]] WrappedResult = Tuple[int, List[Union[ErrorInfo, ResponseData]]]
[docs] def get_data_loader( root_type: RootType, file_path: str ) -> tuple[type[LoadMaskSegmentation | LoadProject | LoadImageForBatch], bool]: """ Get data loader for given root type. Return indicator if file extension match to loader. :param RootType root_type: type of loader :param str file_path: path to file :return: Loader and indicator if file extension match to loader """ ext = path.splitext(file_path)[1].lower() if root_type == RootType.Mask_project: return LoadMaskSegmentation, ext in LoadMaskSegmentation.get_extensions() if root_type == RootType.Project: return LoadProject, ext in LoadProject.get_extensions() return LoadImageForBatch, ext in LoadImageForBatch.get_extensions()
def prepare_error_data(exception: Exception) -> ErrorInfo: try: from sentry_sdk.serializer import serialize from sentry_sdk.utils import event_from_exception event = event_from_exception(exception)[0] event = serialize(event) return exception, (event, traceback.extract_tb(exception.__traceback__)) except ImportError: # pragma: no cover return exception, traceback.extract_tb(exception.__traceback__)
[docs] def do_calculation(file_info: tuple[int, str], calculation: BaseCalculation) -> WrappedResult: """ Main function which will be used for run calculation. It create :py:class:`.CalculationProcess` and call it method :py:meth:`.CalculationProcess.do_calculation` :param file_info: index and path to file which should be processed :param calculation: calculation description """ with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): SimpleITK.ProcessObject_SetGlobalDefaultNumberOfThreads(1) calc = CalculationProcess() index, file_path = file_info try: return index, calc.do_calculation(FileCalculation(file_path, calculation)) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except return index, [prepare_error_data(e)]
[docs] class CalculationProcess: """ Main class to calculate PartSeg calculation plan. To support other operations overwrite :py:meth:`recursive_calculation` call super function to support already defined operations. """ def __init__(self): self.reused_mask = set() self.mask_dict = {} self.calculation = None self.measurement: list[MeasurementResult] = [] self.image: Image | None = None self.roi_info: ROIInfo | None = None self.additional_layers: dict[str, AdditionalLayerDescription] = {} self.mask: np.ndarray | None = None self.history: list[HistoryElement] = [] self.algorithm_parameters: dict = {} self.results: CalculationResultList = [] def _reset_image_cache(self): self.image = None self.roi_info = None self.additional_layers = {} self.mask = None self.history = [] self.algorithm_parameters = {} self.measurement = [] self.reused_mask = set() @staticmethod def load_data(operation, calculation: FileCalculation) -> ProjectTuple | list[ProjectTuple]: metadata = {"default_spacing": calculation.voxel_size} loader, ext_match = get_data_loader(operation, calculation.file_path) try: return loader.load([calculation.file_path], metadata=metadata) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover if ext_match: raise e raise ValueError(f"File {calculation.file_path} do not match to {operation}") from e
[docs] def do_calculation(self, calculation: FileCalculation) -> CalculationResultList: """ Main function for calculation process :param calculation: calculation to do. :return: """ self.calculation = calculation self.reused_mask = calculation.calculation_plan.get_reused_mask() self.mask_dict = {} self.measurement = [] self.results = [] operation = calculation.calculation_plan.execution_tree.operation projects = self.load_data(operation, calculation) if isinstance(projects, ProjectTuple): projects = [projects] for project in projects: try: self.image = project.image if calculation.overwrite_voxel_size: self.image.set_spacing(calculation.voxel_size) if operation == RootType.Mask_project: self.mask = project.mask if operation == RootType.Project: self.mask = project.mask # FIXME when load annotation from project is done self.roi_info = project.roi_info self.additional_layers = project.additional_layers self.history = project.history self.algorithm_parameters = project.algorithm_parameters self.iterate_over(calculation.calculation_plan.execution_tree) for el in self.measurement: el.set_filename(path.relpath(project.image.file_path, calculation.base_prefix)) self.results.append( ResponseData(path.relpath(project.image.file_path, calculation.base_prefix), self.measurement) ) except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except self.results.append(prepare_error_data(e)) self._reset_image_cache() return self.results
[docs] def iterate_over(self, node: CalculationTree | list[CalculationTree]): """ Execute calculation on node children or list oof nodes :type node: CalculationTree :param node: :return: """ if isinstance(node, CalculationTree): node = node.children for el in node: self.recursive_calculation(el)
[docs] def step_load_mask(self, operation: MaskMapper, children: list[CalculationTree]): """ Load mask using mask mapper (mask can be defined with suffix, substitution, or file with mapping saved, then iterate over ``children`` nodes. :param MaskMapper operation: operation to perform :param List[CalculationTree] children: list of nodes to iterate over with applied mask """ mask_path = operation.get_mask_path(self.calculation.file_path) if not mask_path: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("Empty path to mask.") if not os.path.exists(mask_path): raise OSError(f"Mask file {mask_path} does not exists") with tifffile.TiffFile(mask_path) as mask_file: mask = mask_file.asarray() mask = TiffImageReader.update_array_shape(mask, mask_file.series[0].axes) if "C" in TiffImageReader.image_class.axis_order: pos: list[slice | int] = [slice(None) for _ in range(mask.ndim)] pos[TiffImageReader.image_class.axis_order.index("C")] = 0 mask = mask[tuple(pos)] mask = (mask > 0).astype(np.uint8) try: mask = self.image.fit_array_to_image(mask)[0] # TODO fix this time bug fix except ValueError as e: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("Mask do not fit to given image") from e old_mask = self.mask self.mask = mask self.iterate_over(children) self.mask = old_mask
[docs] def step_segmentation(self, operation: ROIExtractionProfile, children: list[CalculationTree]): """ Perform segmentation and iterate over ``children`` nodes :param ROIExtractionProfile operation: Specification of segmentation operation :param List[CalculationTree] children: list of nodes to iterate over after perform segmentation """ segmentation_class = AnalysisAlgorithmSelection.get(operation.algorithm) if segmentation_class is None: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError(f"Segmentation class {operation.algorithm} do not found") segmentation_algorithm: RestartableAlgorithm = segmentation_class() segmentation_algorithm.set_image(self.image) segmentation_algorithm.set_mask(self.mask) if segmentation_algorithm.__new_style__: segmentation_algorithm.set_parameters(operation.values) else: segmentation_algorithm.set_parameters(**operation.values) result = segmentation_algorithm.calculation_run(report_empty_fun) backup_data = self.roi_info, self.additional_layers, self.algorithm_parameters self.roi_info = ROIInfo(result.roi, result.roi_annotation, result.alternative_representation) self.additional_layers = result.additional_layers self.algorithm_parameters = {"algorithm_name": operation.algorithm, "values": operation.values} self.iterate_over(children) self.roi_info, self.additional_layers, self.algorithm_parameters = backup_data
[docs] def step_mask_use(self, operation: MaskUse, children: list[CalculationTree]): """ use already defined mask and iterate over ``children`` nodes :param MaskUse operation: :param List[CalculationTree] children: list of nodes to iterate over after perform segmentation """ old_mask = self.mask mask = self.mask_dict[] self.mask = mask self.iterate_over(children) self.mask = old_mask
[docs] def step_mask_operation(self, operation: MaskSum | MaskIntersection, children: list[CalculationTree]): """ Generate new mask by sum or intersection of existing and iterate over ``children`` nodes :param operation: mask operation to perform :type operation: Union[MaskSum, MaskIntersection] :param List[CalculationTree] children: list of nodes to iterate over after perform segmentation """ old_mask = self.mask mask1 = self.mask_dict[operation.mask1] mask2 = self.mask_dict[operation.mask2] if isinstance(operation, MaskSum): mask = np.logical_or(mask1, mask2).astype(np.uint8) else: mask = np.logical_and(mask1, mask2).astype(np.uint8) self.mask = mask self.iterate_over(children) self.mask = old_mask
[docs] def step_save(self, operation: Save): """ Perform save operation selected in plan. :param Save operation: save definition """ save_class = save_dict[operation.algorithm] project_tuple = ProjectTuple( file_path="", image=self.image, roi_info=self.roi_info, additional_layers=self.additional_layers, mask=self.mask, history=self.history, algorithm_parameters=self.algorithm_parameters, ) save_path = get_save_path(operation, self.calculation) save_dir = os.path.dirname(save_path) os.makedirs(save_dir, exist_ok=True), project_tuple, operation.values)
[docs] def step_mask_create(self, operation: MaskCreate, children: list[CalculationTree]): """ Create mask from current segmentation state using definition :param MaskCreate operation: mask create description. :param List[CalculationTree] children: list of nodes to iterate over after perform segmentation """ mask = calculate_mask( mask_description=operation.mask_property, roi=self.roi_info.roi, old_mask=self.mask, spacing=self.image.spacing, time_axis=self.image.time_pos, ) if in self.reused_mask: self.mask_dict[] = mask history_element = HistoryElement.create( self.roi_info, self.mask, self.algorithm_parameters, operation.mask_property, ) backup = self.mask, self.history self.mask = mask self.history.append(history_element) self.iterate_over(children) self.mask, self.history = backup
[docs] def step_measurement(self, operation: MeasurementCalculate): """ Calculate measurement defined in current operation. :param MeasurementCalculate operation: definition of measurement to calculate """ channel = if channel == -1: segmentation_class: type[ROIExtractionAlgorithm] = AnalysisAlgorithmSelection.get( self.algorithm_parameters["algorithm_name"] ) if segmentation_class is None: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError(f"Segmentation class {self.algorithm_parameters['algorithm_name']} do not found") if segmentation_class.__new_style__: channel = getattr(self.algorithm_parameters["values"], segmentation_class.get_channel_parameter_name()) else: channel = self.algorithm_parameters["values"][segmentation_class.get_channel_parameter_name()] # FIXME use additional information old_mask = self.image.mask self.image.set_mask(self.mask) measurement = operation.measurement_profile.calculate( self.image, channel, self.roi_info, operation.units, ) self.measurement.append(measurement) self.image.set_mask(old_mask)
[docs] def recursive_calculation(self, node: CalculationTree): """ Identify node type and then call proper ``step_*`` function :param CalculationTree node: Node to be proceed """ if isinstance(node.operation, MaskMapper): self.step_load_mask(node.operation, node.children) elif isinstance(node.operation, ROIExtractionProfile): self.step_segmentation(node.operation, node.children) elif isinstance(node.operation, MaskUse): self.step_mask_use(node.operation, node.children) elif isinstance(node.operation, (MaskSum, MaskIntersection)): self.step_mask_operation(node.operation, node.children) elif isinstance(node.operation, Save): self.step_save(node.operation) elif isinstance(node.operation, MaskCreate): self.step_mask_create(node.operation, node.children) elif isinstance(node.operation, Operations): # pragma: no cover # backward compatibility self.iterate_over(node) elif isinstance(node.operation, MeasurementCalculate): self.step_measurement(node.operation) else: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError(f"Unknown operation {type(node.operation)} {node.operation}")
[docs] class BatchResultDescription(NamedTuple): """ Tuple to handle information about part of calculation result. """ errors: list[tuple[str, ErrorInfo]] #: list of errors occurred during calculation global_counter: int #: total number of calculated steps jobs_status: dict[uuid.UUID, int] #: for each job information about progress
[docs] class CalculationManager: """ This class manage batch processing in PartSeg. """ def __init__(self): self.batch_manager = BatchManager() self.calculation_queue = Queue() self.calculation_dict: dict[uuid.UUID, Calculation] = OrderedDict() self.calculation_sizes = [] self.calculation_size = 0 self.calculation_done = 0 self.counter_dict = OrderedDict() self.errors_list = [] self.writer = DataWriter()
[docs] def is_valid_sheet_name(self, excel_path: str, sheet_name: str) -> bool: """ Check if sheet name can be used :param str excel_path: path which allow identify excel file :param str sheet_name: name of excel sheet :return: :rtype: bool """ return self.writer.is_empty_sheet(excel_path, sheet_name)
def remove_calculation(self, calculation: Calculation): size = len(calculation.file_list) self.calculation_size -= size self.writer.remove_data_part(calculation) def cancel_calculation(self, calculation: Calculation): self.batch_manager.cancel_work(calculation)
[docs] def add_calculation(self, calculation: Calculation): """ :param calculation: Calculation """ self.calculation_dict[calculation.uuid] = calculation self.counter_dict[calculation.uuid] = 0 size = len(calculation.file_list) self.calculation_sizes.append(size) self.calculation_size += size self.batch_manager.add_work( list(enumerate(calculation.file_list)), calculation.get_base_calculation(), do_calculation ) self.writer.add_data_part(calculation)
@property def has_work(self) -> bool: """ Is still some calculation or data writing in progress """ return self.batch_manager.has_work or not self.writer.writing_finished() def kill_jobs(self): self.batch_manager.kill_jobs()
[docs] def set_number_of_workers(self, val: int): """ Set number of workers to perform calculation. :param int val: number of workers. """ logging.debug("Number off process %s", val) self.batch_manager.set_number_of_process(val)
[docs] def get_results(self) -> BatchResultDescription: """ Consume results from :py:class:`BatchWorker` and transfer it to :py:class:`DataWriter` :return: information about calculation status :rtype: BatchResultDescription """ responses: list[tuple[uuid.UUID, WrappedResult]] = self.batch_manager.get_result() new_errors: list[tuple[str, ErrorInfo]] = [] for uuid_id, (ind, result_list) in responses: if uuid_id == "-1": # pragma: no cover self.errors_list.append((f"Unknown file {ind}", result_list)) new_errors.append((f"Unknown file {ind}", result_list)) continue self.calculation_done += 1 self.counter_dict[uuid_id] += 1 calculation = self.calculation_dict[uuid_id] for el in result_list: if isinstance(el, ResponseData): errors = self.writer.add_result(el, calculation, ind=ind) new_errors.extend((el.path_to_file, err) for err in errors) elif el != SubprocessOrder.cancel_job: file_info = calculation.file_list[ind] if ind != -1 else "unknown file" self.writer.add_calculation_error(calculation, file_info, el[0]) self.errors_list.append((file_info, el)) new_errors.append((file_info, el)) if self.counter_dict[uuid_id] == len(calculation.file_list): errors = self.writer.calculation_finished(calculation) new_errors.extend(("", err) for err in errors) return BatchResultDescription(new_errors, self.calculation_done, self.counter_dict.copy())
[docs] class FileType(Enum): excel_xlsx_file = 1 excel_xls_file = 2 text_file = 3
[docs] class SheetData: """ Store single sheet information """ def __init__(self, name: str, columns: list[tuple[str, str]], raw=False): if len(columns) != len(set(columns)): raise ValueError(f"Columns should be unique: {columns}") = name if raw: self.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(columns) else: self.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([("name", "units"), *columns]) self.data_frame = pd.DataFrame([], columns=self.columns) self.row_list: list[Any] = [] def add_data(self, data, ind): if len(data) != len(self.columns): raise ValueError( f"Wrong number of columns in data ({len(data)} instead of " f"{len(self.columns)} {data} for columns {self.columns.values}" ) if ind is None: ind = len(self.row_list) self.row_list.append((ind, data)) def add_data_list(self, data, ind): if ind is None: ind = len(self.row_list) for x in data: self.add_data(x, ind)
[docs] def get_data_to_write(self) -> tuple[str, pd.DataFrame]: """ Get data for write :return: sheet name and data to write :rtype: Tuple[str, pd.DataFrame] """ sorted_row = [x[1] for x in sorted(self.row_list)] df = pd.DataFrame(sorted_row, columns=self.columns) df2 = pd.concat((self.data_frame, df), axis=0) self.data_frame = df2.reset_index(drop=True) self.row_list = [] return, self.data_frame
def __repr__(self): return f"SheetData(name={}, columns{list(self.columns)[1:]}, wait_rows={len(self.row_list)})"
[docs] class FileData: """ Handle information about single file. This class run separate thread for writing purpose. This need additional synchronisation. but not freeze :param BaseCalculation calculation: calculation information :param int write_threshold: every how many lines of data are written to disk :cvar component_str: separator for per component sheet information """ component_str = "_comp_" #: separator for per component sheet information def __init__(self, calculation: BaseCalculation, write_threshold: int = 40): """ :param BaseCalculation calculation: calculation information :param int write_threshold: every how many lines of data are written to disk """ self.file_path = calculation.measurement_file_path ext = path.splitext(calculation.measurement_file_path)[1] if ext == ".xlsx": self.file_type = FileType.excel_xlsx_file elif ext == ".xls": # pragma: no cover self.file_type = FileType.excel_xls_file else: # pragma: no cover self.file_type = FileType.text_file self.writing = False data = SheetData("calculation_info", [("Description", "str"), ("JSON", "str")], raw=True) data.add_data( [str(calculation.calculation_plan), json.dumps(calculation.calculation_plan, cls=PartSegEncoder)], 0 ) self.sheet_dict = {} self.calculation_info = {} self.sheet_set = {"Errors"} self.new_count = 0 self.write_threshold = write_threshold self.wrote_queue = Queue() self.error_queue = Queue() self.write_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.wrote_data_to_file) self.write_thread.daemon = True self.write_thread.start() self._error_info = [] self.add_data_part(calculation)
[docs] def finished(self): """check if any data wait on write to disc""" return not self.writing and self.wrote_queue.empty()
[docs] def good_sheet_name(self, name: str) -> tuple[bool, str]: """ Check if sheet name can be used in current file. Return False if: * file is text file * contains :py:attr:`component_str` in name * name is already in use :param str name: sheet name :return: if can be used and error message """ if self.file_type == FileType.text_file: return False, "Text file allow store only one sheet" if self.component_str in name: return False, f"Sequence '{FileData.component_str}' is reserved for auto generated sheets" if name in self.sheet_set: return False, f"Sheet name {name} already in use" return True, ""
def remove_data_part(self, calculation: BaseCalculation): if calculation.uuid in self.sheet_dict: sheet_list = self.sheet_dict[calculation.uuid][1] for sheet in sheet_list: if sheet is None: continue self.sheet_set.remove( self.sheet_set.remove(calculation.sheet_name) del self.sheet_dict[calculation.uuid] if calculation.uuid in self.calculation_info: del self.calculation_info[calculation.uuid]
[docs] def add_data_part(self, calculation: BaseCalculation): """ Add new calculation which result will be stored in handled file. :param BaseCalculation calculation: information about calculation :raises ValueError: when :py:attr:`measurement_file_path` is different to handled file or :py:attr:`sheet_name` name already is in use. """ if calculation.measurement_file_path != self.file_path: raise ValueError(f"[FileData] different file path {calculation.measurement_file_path} vs {self.file_path}") if calculation.sheet_name in self.sheet_set: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError(f"[FileData] sheet name {calculation.sheet_name} already in use") measurement = calculation.calculation_plan.get_measurements() component_information = [x.measurement_profile.get_component_info(x.units) for x in measurement] num = 1 sheet_list = [] header_list = [] main_header = [] for i, el in enumerate(component_information): local_header = [] component_seg = has_roi_components(measurement[i].measurement_profile.get_component_and_area_info()) component_mask = has_mask_components(measurement[i].measurement_profile.get_component_and_area_info()) if component_seg: local_header.append(("Segmentation component", "num")) if component_mask: local_header.append(("Mask component", "num")) if any(x[1] for x in el): sheet_list.append( f"{calculation.sheet_name}{FileData.component_str}{num} - " f"{measurement[i].name_prefix + measurement[i].name}" ) num += 1 else: sheet_list.append(None) for name, comp in el: local_header.append(name) if not comp: main_header.append(name) header_list.append(local_header) self.sheet_dict[calculation.uuid] = ( SheetData(calculation.sheet_name, main_header), [SheetData(name, header_list[i]) if name is not None else None for i, name in enumerate(sheet_list)], component_information, ) self.sheet_set.add(calculation.sheet_name) self.sheet_set.update(sheet_list) self.calculation_info[calculation.uuid] = calculation.calculation_plan
[docs] def wrote_data(self, uuid_id: uuid.UUID, data: ResponseData, ind: int | None = None): """ Add information to be stored in output file :param uuid.UUID uuid_id: calculation identifier :param ResponseData data: calculation result :param Optional[int] ind: element index """ self.new_count += 1 main_sheet, component_sheets, _component_information = self.sheet_dict[uuid_id] name = data.path_to_file data_list = [name] for el, comp_sheet in zip(data.values, component_sheets): data_list.extend(el.get_global_parameters()[1:]) comp_list = el.get_separated() if comp_sheet is not None: comp_sheet.add_data_list(comp_list, ind) main_sheet.add_data(data_list, ind) if self.new_count >= self.write_threshold: self.dump_data() self.new_count = 0
def wrote_errors(self, file_path, error_description): self.new_count += 1 self._error_info.append((file_path, str(error_description)))
[docs] def dump_data(self): """ Fire writing data to disc """ data = [] for main_sheet, component_sheets, _ in self.sheet_dict.values(): data.append(main_sheet.get_data_to_write()) data.extend(sheet.get_data_to_write() for sheet in component_sheets if sheet is not None) self.wrote_queue.put((data, list(self.calculation_info.values()), self._error_info[:]))
[docs] def wrote_data_to_file(self): """ Main function to write data to hard drive. It is executed in separate thread. """ while True: data = self.wrote_queue.get() if data == "finish": break self.writing = True try: if self.file_type == FileType.text_file: base_path, ext = path.splitext(self.file_path) for sheet_name, data_frame in data[0]: data_frame.to_csv(f"{base_path}_{sheet_name}{ext}") continue file_path = self.file_path i = 0 while i < 100: i += 1 try: self.write_to_excel(file_path, data) break except OSError: base, ext = path.splitext(self.file_path) file_path = f"{base}({i}){ext}" if i == 100: # pragma: no cover raise PermissionError(f"Fail to write result excel {self.file_path}") except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover # pylint: disable=broad-except logging.error("[batch_backend] %s", e) self.error_queue.put(prepare_error_data(e)) finally: self.writing = False
@classmethod def write_to_excel( cls, file_path: str, data: tuple[list[tuple[str, pd.DataFrame]], list[CalculationPlan], list[tuple[str, str]]] ): with pd.ExcelWriter(file_path) as writer: # pylint: disable=abstract-class-instantiated new_sheet_names = [] ind = 0 sheets, plans, errors = data for sheet_name, _ in sheets: if len(sheet_name) < 32: new_sheet_names.append(sheet_name) else: new_sheet_names.append(f"{sheet_name[:27]}_{ind}_") ind += 1 for sheet_name, (_, data_frame) in zip(new_sheet_names, sheets): data_frame.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=sheet_name) sheet =[sheet_name] sheet.set_column(1, 1, 10) for i, (text, _unit) in enumerate(data_frame.columns[1:], start=2): sheet.set_column(i, i, len(text) + 1) for calculation_plan in plans: cls.write_calculation_plan(writer, calculation_plan) if errors: errors_data = pd.DataFrame(errors, columns=["File path", "error description"]) errors_data.to_excel(writer, "Errors") @staticmethod def write_calculation_plan(writer: pd.ExcelWriter, calculation_plan: CalculationPlan): book: xlsxwriter.Workbook = sheet_name = iterate_names(f"info {}"[:30], book.sheetnames, 30) if sheet_name is None: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError( "Name collision in sheets with information about calculation " f"plan: {f'info {}'[:30]}" ) sheet = book.add_worksheet(sheet_name) cell_format = book.add_format({"bold": True}) sheet.write("A1", "Plan Description", cell_format) sheet.write("B1", "Plan JSON", cell_format) sheet.write("C1", "Plan JSON (readable)", cell_format) description = calculation_plan.pretty_print().split("\n") for i in range(math.ceil(len(description) / MAX_ROWS_IN_EXCEL_CELL)): to_write = description[i * MAX_ROWS_IN_EXCEL_CELL : (i + 1) * MAX_ROWS_IN_EXCEL_CELL] sheet.write(f"A{i+2}", "\n".join(to_write)) sheet.set_row(i + 1, len(to_write) * 11 + 10) sheet.set_column(0, 0, max(map(len, description))) sheet.set_column(1, 1, 15) calculation_plan_str = json.dumps(calculation_plan, cls=PartSegEncoder) for i in range(math.ceil(len(calculation_plan_str) / MAX_CHAR_IN_EXCEL_CELL)): sheet.write(f"B{i+2}", calculation_plan_str[i * MAX_CHAR_IN_EXCEL_CELL : (i + 1) * MAX_CHAR_IN_EXCEL_CELL]) calculation_plan_pretty = json.dumps(calculation_plan, cls=PartSegEncoder, indent=2).split("\n") for i in range(math.ceil(len(calculation_plan_pretty) / MAX_ROWS_IN_EXCEL_CELL)): to_write = calculation_plan_pretty[i * MAX_ROWS_IN_EXCEL_CELL : (i + 1) * MAX_ROWS_IN_EXCEL_CELL] sheet.write(f"C{i+2}", "\n".join(to_write)) sheet.set_row(i + 1, len(to_write) * 11 + 10) sheet.set_column(2, 2, max(map(len, calculation_plan_pretty)))
[docs] def get_errors(self) -> list[ErrorInfo]: """ Get list of errors occurred in last write """ res = [] while not self.error_queue.empty(): res.append(self.error_queue.get()) return res
def finish(self): self.wrote_queue.put("finish") def is_empty_sheet(self, sheet_name) -> bool: return self.good_sheet_name(sheet_name)[0]
[docs] class DataWriter: """ Handle information """ def __init__(self): self.file_dict: dict[str, FileData] = {}
[docs] def is_empty_sheet(self, file_path: str, sheet_name: str) -> bool: """ Check if given pair of `file_path` and `sheet_name` can be used. :param str file_path: path to file to store measurement result :param str sheet_name: Name of excel sheet in which data will be stored :return: If calling :py:meth:`FileData.add_data_part` finish without error. :rtype: bool """ if FileData.component_str in sheet_name: return False if file_path not in self.file_dict: return True return self.file_dict[file_path].is_empty_sheet(sheet_name)
[docs] def add_data_part(self, calculation: BaseCalculation): """ Add information about calculation """ if calculation.measurement_file_path in self.file_dict: self.file_dict[calculation.measurement_file_path].add_data_part(calculation) else: self.file_dict[calculation.measurement_file_path] = FileData(calculation)
def remove_data_part(self, calculation: BaseCalculation): if calculation.measurement_file_path in self.file_dict: self.file_dict[calculation.measurement_file_path].remove_data_part(calculation)
[docs] def add_result(self, data: ResponseData, calculation: BaseCalculation, ind: int | None = None) -> list[ErrorInfo]: """ Add calculation result to file writer :raises ValueError: when calculation.measurement_file_path is not added with :py:meth:`.add_data_part` """ if calculation.measurement_file_path not in self.file_dict: raise ValueError("Unknown measurement file") file_writer = self.file_dict[calculation.measurement_file_path] file_writer.wrote_data(calculation.uuid, data, ind) return file_writer.get_errors()
def add_calculation_error(self, calculation: BaseCalculation, file_path: str, error): file_writer = self.file_dict[calculation.measurement_file_path] file_writer.wrote_errors(file_path, error)
[docs] def writing_finished(self) -> bool: """check if all data are written to disc""" return all(x.finished() for x in self.file_dict.values())
[docs] def finish(self): """close all files""" for file_data in self.file_dict.values(): file_data.finish()
[docs] def calculation_finished(self, calculation) -> list[ErrorInfo]: """ Force write data for given calculation. :raises ValueError: when measurement is not added with :py:meth:`.add_data_part` :return: list of errors during write. """ if calculation.measurement_file_path not in self.file_dict: raise ValueError("Unknown measurement file") self.file_dict[calculation.measurement_file_path].dump_data() return self.file_dict[calculation.measurement_file_path].get_errors()