Source code for PartSeg.common_backend.base_argparser

import argparse
import getpass
import locale
import os
import platform
import sys
import zlib
from contextlib import suppress
from importlib.metadata import version as package_version
from typing import Optional, Sequence

import sentry_sdk
import sentry_sdk.serializer
import sentry_sdk.utils
from packaging.version import parse as parse_version

from PartSeg import __version__, state_store
from PartSeg.common_backend.except_hook import my_excepthook
from PartSegCore.utils import safe_repr

SENTRY_GE_1_29 = parse_version(package_version("sentry_sdk")) >= parse_version("1.29.0")

[docs] def proper_suffix(val: str): """ check if val contains only alphanumeric characters :raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError: on validation error """ if not val or val.isalnum(): return val raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f"suffix '{val}' need to contains only alpha numeric characters")
[docs] def proper_path(val: str): """ Check if `val` is proper path in current system :raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError: on validation error """ if os.path.exists(val) and os.path.isdir(val): return val try: os.makedirs(val) except OSError as e: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f" Path {val} is not a valid path in this system") from e return val
[docs] class CustomParser(argparse.ArgumentParser): """ Argument parser with set of predefined flags: #. ``--no_report`` - disable error reporting, still showing dialog with information. Set :py:data:`.state_store.report_errors`. #. ``--no_dialog`` - disable error reporting and showing dialog. Exceptions will be printed on stderr. Set :py:data:`.state_store.show_error_dialog`. #. ``--no_update`` - disable check for updates on application startup Set :py:data:`.state_store.check_for_updates`. #. ``--save_suffix`` - add special suffix to directory contains saved state. designed to allow separate projects. Set :py:data:`.state_store.save_suffix`. #. ``--save_directory`` - set custom save directory. default can be previewed in `Help > State directory` from PartSeg main menu, Set :py:data:`.state_store.save_folder`. #. ``--inner_plugins`` - designed to hide part plugin from default start. Set :py:data:`.state_store.custom_plugin_load`. #. ``--develop`` -- for developer purpose. Allow to reload part of Program without restarting. May be unstable. Set :py:data:`.state_store.develop`. Base on this :py:class:`PartSeg.common_gui.advanced_tabs.AdvancedWindow` constructor add developer tab. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): if "epilog" not in kwargs and len(args) < 4: kwargs["epilog"] = "To control server for sentry reporting use PARTSEG_SENTRY_URL environment variable" super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.add_argument("--no_report", action="store_false", help="disable error reporting") self.add_argument("--always_report", action="store_true", help="always report errors without asking user") self.add_argument("--no_dialog", action="store_false", help="disable error reporting and showing error dialog") self.add_argument("--no_update", action="store_false", help="disable check for updates") self.add_argument( "--save_suffix", "--ssuf", type=proper_suffix, default=[""], help="suffix for configuration_directory", nargs=1, metavar="suffix", ) self.add_argument( "--save_directory", "--sdir", type=proper_path, default=[state_store.save_folder], help=f"path to custom configuration folder, if not set then {state_store.save_folder} will be used. " "Could be customized using 'PARTSEG_SETTINGS_DIR' environment variable.", nargs=1, metavar="path", ) self.add_argument("--inner_plugins", action="store_true", help=argparse.SUPPRESS) self.add_argument("--develop", action="store_true", help=argparse.SUPPRESS) self.add_argument("--version", action="version", version=f"%(prog)s {__version__}")
[docs] def parse_args(self, args: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, namespace: Optional[argparse.Namespace] = None): """ overload of :py:meth:`argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_args`. Set flags like described in class documentation. """ args = super().parse_args(args, namespace) if args.always_report and not args.no_report: self.error("Cannot set both --always_report and --no_report") state_store.always_report = args.always_report state_store.report_errors = args.no_report state_store.show_error_dialog = args.no_dialog state_store.custom_plugin_load = args.inner_plugins state_store.check_for_updates = args.no_update state_store.develop = args.develop state_store.save_suffix = args.save_suffix[0] state_store.save_folder = os.path.abspath( args.save_directory[0] + (f"_{state_store.save_suffix}" if state_store.save_suffix else "") ) if args.no_report and args.no_dialog and state_store.sentry_url: _setup_sentry() sys.excepthook = my_excepthook with suppress(locale.Error): # some bug in reset locale # locale.setlocale(locale.LC_NUMERIC, "") return args
def _setup_sentry(): # pragma: no cover if not state_store.sentry_url: state_store.report_errors = False return sentry_sdk.utils.MAX_STRING_LENGTH = 10**4 sentry_sdk.utils.DEFAULT_MAX_VALUE_LENGTH = 10**4 sentry_sdk.serializer.safe_repr = safe_repr sentry_sdk.serializer.MAX_DATABAG_BREADTH = 100 init_kwargs = {"release": f"PartSeg@{__version__}"} if SENTRY_GE_1_29: init_kwargs["max_value_length"] = 10**4 sentry_sdk.init( state_store.sentry_url, **init_kwargs, ) with sentry_sdk.configure_scope() as scope: scope.set_user( { "name": getpass.getuser(), "id": zlib.adler32(f"{getpass.getuser()}#{platform.node()}".encode()), } )